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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 08:44

Bonjour Biloulou Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 659552

Il me semblait que cette nouvelle plairait!
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 54566
Localisation : Jardins suspendus sur la Woluwe - Belgique
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 09:22

Bonjour Sylvette ! sunny

Je l'avais pressenti alors que mes orteils s'ouvraient en éventail... Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 09:35

Donc hier, donc NVP (ca c'est Notre Vice-President - celui dont les gaffes sont-telles que NP tente de le cacher le plus posible sauf quand il y a de mauvaises nouvelles a annoncer... nous expliquait que le gouvernement Obama avait mal calcule l'ampleur des problemes economiques dont il avait "HERITE", donc on s'est plante mais bon, c'est pas de notre fote Bush nous a laisse un truc tellement pire encore qu'on ne pensait pas du tout: c'est notre fote, on a mal calcule et on a mal fait face. On remonte donc le probleme a il y a 6 mois... (les qualites diplomatiques)

* Au sujet de l'heritage, il y a tellement de fausses verites (ca c'est diplomatique) qui se disent... n'oublions pas que si le probleme s'est passe en fin de presidence Bush, la personne en charge de Fannie Mae et Freddy Mac (organismes de prets federaux) etait barney Franck, le Congres etait a majorite Democrate et que Pres. Bush a plusieurs occasions a fait part du danger au meme Congres. Notre W.W.W. favorite etant trop occupee a prendre les rennes du pouvoir a la Chambre pour s'interer a un tel probleme.
La Crise des subprimes
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 09:37

et Bill qui nous disait qu'avoir refuse Ben Laden etait la pire erreur de sa presidence...
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MessageSujet: 995 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 09:53

Ce cher Barney toujours fidele au poste et proche conseiller de NP.

Un homme politique teflon ou tefal si vous preferez (si l'on a fait vire New Gingrich alors qu'il occupait la position de N.W.W.W. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 896845 parce qu'il avait trompe son epouse (et UNIQUEMENT a cause de ca contrairement a Bill qui lui s'etait parjure lors d'une deposition dans le cadre d'un proces ou il etait accuse de harcellement sexuel) et si l'on demande que les deux Republicains (dont un gouverneur) de quitter leur poste pour les memes raisons,

et alors qu'il s'est comporte incorrectement avec un page du Congres, que l'amant avec lequel il vivait dirigeait une agence de prostitution de jeunes hommes pederastes de sa maison (mais il n'etait pas au courant), qu'il soit en grande partie responsable de la crise economique actuelle ("heritee du gouvernement precedent par NP...) il est encore la et bien la dans le panorama politique Democrate (un peu comme Kennedy)
Bouffee d'air
Breath-in - Breath-out

Dernière édition par Sylvette le 6/7/2009, 10:10, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 09:56

Biloulou Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 659552

Ca fait du bien de temps a autres de lire que quelqu'un ose s'en prendre au dragon mediatique. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Dragon10Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 139718
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 54566
Localisation : Jardins suspendus sur la Woluwe - Belgique
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 10:46

Raaahhhh !!!! Vous m'avez fait peur Sylvette ! What a Face
Déjà que ramasser une crotte de pigeon sur la tête c'est franchement désagréable, mais là...

Pour le reste... oui, ça fait du bien, oui, oui. Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 11:07

Déjà que ramasser une crotte de pigeon sur la tête c'est franchement désagréable, mais là...

ah vous aussi? Yuck,Yuck c'est vrai! flower
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty6/7/2009, 19:06


Critics of Barack Obama see cash in book deals
By EAMON JAVERS | 7/5/09 7:52 PM EDT

As much as both men might hate to admit it, Barack Obama has been very, very good to Mark Levin.

Levin is living the talk-radio dream: His three-hour broadcast is aired on more than 150 stations to more than 5 million listeners a day. And he has the hottest subject in the world: Obama.

The president, Levin pronounces almost daily, is a failure, a liar and a “statist” who is trying to destroy individual freedom. The broadcaster is accompanied by a Greek chorus of callers whose love for Levin is rivaled only by their disdain for the president of the United States.

His book “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto” debuted at No. 1 on The New York Times best-seller list and has remained on the list for a remarkable 13 weeks, selling, Levin says, a total of 800,000 copies to date. (Nielsen BookScan puts the number at 714,000, but its figures don’t include sales from Wal-Mart and a handful of other prominent outlets.)

That’s a monster hit by publishing standards, and industry insiders say it is largely due to a wave of anxiety coursing through conservative and red-state America over the direction of Obama’s policies.

“I’m seeing a lot of people, conservatives and other people, who are starting to get extremely concerned that permanent damage can be done or is being done to their country,” Levin told POLITICO.

Much has been made of the favorable media coverage Obama is receiving as television broadcasters pursue ratings and magazine editors pursue newsstand sales, but there’s an equal and opposite reaction going on in the world of conservative media. Frustration with Barack Obama is fueling listener intensity and book-buying binges at the same time it gives a boost to the careers of conservative figures like Levin, whose fans call him “the Great One.”

Barack Obama is great for business for talk-radio folks on the right,” said Michael Harrison, publisher of the industry magazine Talkers. “This is simple psychology and mathematics. The whole name of the game is to create a niche where people are motivated and see danger lurking.”

That’s as true in book publishing as in talk radio. “We are very bullish on our books coming out for the rest of this year,” says Marji Ross, president of Regnery Publishing, a conservative house. “Our little motto here is, what’s bad for the country could be good for our business.”

In July, Regnery will put out commentator Michelle Malkin’s “Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies.”

“The fact that President Obama is in the White House and so aggressive makes all of these books more urgent and probably will make them sell better than they would have,” says Ross.

Three of the top five best-selling nonfiction books on last week were written by conservatives: The paperback edition of Glenn Beck’s “Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine ” was No. 1. Levin’s “Liberty & Tyranny” was No. 2, and Dick Morris’s “Catastrophe” was No. 4. According to Nielsen BookScan, Beck’s paperback has sold 258,000 copies, and “Catastrophe” has sold 33,000.

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 08:15

1000 -

Very Happy


Zakaria: Iran regime has become a 'naked dictatorship'
July 3, 2009 -- Updated 1309 GMT (2109 HKT)

Editor's note: Fareed Zakaria is an author and foreign affairs analyst who hosts "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on CNN on Sundays at 1 and 5 p.m. ET.Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise

Fareed Zakaria says we still have a problem with Iran, and we have to have a strategy in dealing with the country.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Three leading Iranian reformists who have rejected the results of last month's election questioned the legitimacy of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government Wednesday.

This comes as Ahmadinejad is set to take office at the end of the month.

Presidential candidate Mehdi Karrubi wrote a letter in his party's newspaper, saying he would not recognize the government and vowing to "stand by the people and the revolution, until the end of my life."

His statement prompted Iran's government to block publication of the newspaper.

Ahmadinejad's main political rival, Mir Hossein Moussavi, also released a statement Wednesday criticizing the government and its crackdown on the media, which he said has created a "bitter, coup d'etat atmosphere" in Iran.

Iran's former reformist President Mohammad Khatami called on Iranians to keep up the struggle, noting that "all doors are not yet closed."

CNN: What is the likely outcome of events in Iran?Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Corner_wire_TL
Fareed Zakaria: The situation is fluid. The challenger, Mir Hossein Moussavi, and the former president, Khatami, are still criticizing the government for stealing the election.

That is an extraordinary level of dissent at the highest levels of the establishment. But the most likely outcome remains that for now, the regime will be able to reassert order.

But it has become a naked dictatorship, losing the facade of the Islamic and democratic political ideals that are important to it.

CNN: But the nuclear program continues?
Zakaria: Exactly. We still have a problem with Iran, and we have to have a strategy in dealing with it. The nuclear program continues to grow, and refusing to negotiate will not do anything to stop it.

On the other hand, it seems wrong to pretend that nothing has happened in Iran. And it also disregards the reality of a divided leadership.

CNN: So, what to do?
Zakaria: I would say do nothing. Inaction can be a strategy. The five major powers on the U.N. Security Council (plus Germany) have given Iran a very generous offer to restart the nuclear negotiations. It has not responded. So, the ball is in its court.

Until it does, the West should build support for tougher sanctions and more isolation. Until we hear from Tehran, there is no reason for the United States or the others to get engaged.


La politique de Pres. Bush 43 me semble-t-il!
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MessageSujet: 1001 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 08:25

on en parle peu mais ca n'empeche...

Ethnic unrest in China leads to mass arrests
From Jaime FlorCruz
CNN Beijing Bureau Chief

URUMQI, China (CNN) -- Chinese police had detained at least 1,434 people by Tuesday morning following weekend demonstrations by ethnic Uyghur residents in Xinjiang province, Xinhua reported, citing government officials, as protests spread to more cities.Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise
Chinese riot police patrol a street in Urumqi in Xinjiang province on July 6.

Streets had reverted to calm and curfews were in force in major districts of Urumqi as the death toll mounted from rioting.

Police halted people who had gathered in nearby Yili Kazak Prefecture and Aksu City and dispersed more than 200 people who had tried to gather in nearby Kashgar at the Id Kah Mosque, the largest mosque in China, the news agency said.

Along the road into Kashgar from the airport, many areas were deserted; residents said police had set up blockades in some areas and were rerouting traffic.

The regional public security department put the toll from riots at 156 deaths and more than 800 injuries, according to Xinhua, the state-run news agency. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Video Watch more on violence in Xinjiang »

That was an increase from the 140 deaths reported at noon Monday. "Among the 16 newly reported dead, some died in hospitals and others were recovered from street corners, the police said," according to Xinhua.

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MessageSujet: 1002 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 08:42

Alors avant de placer l'article, qu'il soit bien entendu que les petites ne sont absolument pas mises en cause. Ce sont des enfants et elles ne sont en rien responsables du fait que leur pere soit NP! Je ne vois pas non plus de mal a ce que J Crew (puisque J Crew il y a) utilise la folie hollywoodienne politique actuelle de tant, pour augmenter ses ventes. La, quand on voit les vetements en question et en toute objectivite, en dehors du fait qu'ils soient portes par les enfants de NP, qui voudraient les voir porter par leurs enfants? et on insiste sur le bon gout de FLOTUS (First Lady Of The United States Laughing ) et sur son chic. Moi, je veux bien.

Profiting off the Obamas

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Obama_10
Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 090706_jcrew_obamagirls_ap_297Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 090706_jcrew_obamagirls_ap_297 Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 090706_sashamalia2_ap_163
J. Crew hawks first daughter clothes

J.Crew is using Sasha and Malia Obama to market some of its spring and summer styles, in a press release sent ...
... to reporters Monday afternoon titled "The Obama Girls Bring Some American Style to Moscow."

"Malia & Sasha wore J.Crew and crewcuts as they exited Air Fore One in Moscow — stylish in their trenches, they also accessorized with ballet flat shoes," the release says.

The notice includes two photographs of Sasha and Malia deplaning Air Force One with their parents and an image of the J.Crew logo.

It also offers details about the specific items each of the Obama daughters wore on the way to Moscow and after their arrival, including the prices and style numbers for each piece.

Malia, for instance, was sporting the Silk Taffeta Trench ($298) and black satin ballet flats with contrast trim ($98), the e-mail notes. Whereas Sasha, 8, was wearing the girls’ crushed twill trench ($169.99) and girls’ minna printed ballet flats in classic navy ($108).

In the past, first lady Michelle Obama has publicly credited J.Crew a number of times for designing her duds, including the yellow sweater-set and skirt she famously wore on “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno” during the campaign.

Des lors, le titre de l'article me semble quelque peu exagere: Profiting off the Obamas


And the company took credit for creating the coats and gloves the first daughters wore during the Inauguration.

Aie aie aie aie aie Laughing cheers
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MessageSujet: 1004 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 08:54

"The Obama Girls Bring Some American Style to Moscow."

Allons, allons!!!

La famille en voyage en Russie

Habilles tout-a-fait simplement, alors va-t-on essayer de nous faire prendre des vessies pour des lanternes pendant encore longtemps? (ou de nous faire avaler des couleuvres - Bonjour Charly )

Sans compter que c'est assez insultant pour les Russes, je croyais que les Democrates etaient pour le rapprochement des peuples et la comprehension des cultures.. Laughing cheers cheers cheers
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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 08:57

(Oufti ! Sylvette est lancée, aujourd'hui ! Attention à ne pas vous mettre sur sa route, hein ? Razz )
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MessageSujet: 1005 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 09:00

Ah bon c'est trop? Embarassed
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 54566
Localisation : Jardins suspendus sur la Woluwe - Belgique
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 09:04

Mais non mais non mais non !
Faites, je vous en prie. Après vous. Smile
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MessageSujet: 1007 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 09:13

Dans ce cas:

Wife's scandal dinging John Conyers


Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 090705_monicaconyers_ap_297
Late last month, former Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers pleaded guilty to federal bribery charges in connection with a city sludge-hauling scandal. Photo: AP

Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) is at the center of a brewing political storm in Detroit that involves his jail-bound wife, a predicament that some insiders think has left him more vulnerable to challenge than ever before.

Late last month, former Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers pleaded guilty to federal bribery charges in connection with a city sludge-hauling scandal. After her plea, the former councilwoman’s onetime chief of staff, Sam Riddle, told a Detroit newspaper that Monica Conyers had previously helped get him a consulting job with Detroit businessman Dimitrios Papas and then proceeded to demand half of Riddle’s $20,000 fee.

Riddle also said John Conyers signed a July 2007 letter to the Environmental Protection Agency in support of Papas’s efforts to restart a waste injection well in the city of Romulus — and that Monica Conyers personally approved the letter.

As a result, critics are demanding an explanation from John Conyers, who is described in news accounts as publicly opposed to the toxic well site prior to 2007.

“Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit) needs to join the long line of Detroit pols who’ve apparently sat down recently with the U.S. attorney in Detroit,” the Detroit Free Press wrote in an editorial.

Breath in - Breath out!
Wife's scandal dinging John Conyers
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MessageSujet: 1008 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 09:20

Un peu plus au sujet de John Conyers


reintroduced each session since then. The act calls for the creation of a universal single-payer health care system in the United States, in which the government would provide every resident health care free of charge.


Evidemment quand c'est propose comme ca et repete comme ca, qui n'en voudrait pas (tiens, ca me fait penser a ma coiffeuse et l'idee que ses compatriotes canadiens se font ENCORE A CE JOUR de leur couverture sociale Laughing ) - et encore une couleuvre.
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MessageSujet: 1009 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 09:40

Tout compte fait, l'article dans son ensemble vaut son pesant d'or au vu de ce scandale...

La seule chose qui me fasse rire (enfin pour un moment) c'est sa voix laconique.
SCOOTER LIBBY PARDON: Judic Chair Conyers on Pardon-Gate

A la lumiere de ce qui se passe, c'est extraordinaire. Laughing

Je me demande si son epouse (et eventuellement lui) aura droit a la meme sympathie et comprehension... Laughing cheers

Pour rappel, Pr. Bush a commue la sentence de Scooter Libby (30 mois de prison*, mais ne l'a pas pardonne, juge innocent du crime dont il etait accuse, il aurait menti sous serment lors d'un interrogatoire, acte punissable par la loi pour ceux qui s'en rendent coupables (Bill excepte!). Pres. Bush ne l'a pas pardonne avant de quitter Washington (V.P. Cheney n'a pas compris pourquoi, moi non plus).

Il aurait du repondre comme Hillary: "Je n'ai aucun souvenir" (I have no recollection) pas une fois, hein? 56 fois!!!) (a ce sujet ce petit recapitulatif est interessant et factuel "si mes souvenirs sont exacts Laughing )

Commentaire du NY Times a l'epoque: Jail Time for Scooter Libby - New York Times6 Jun 2007 ... The jail sentence and fine imposed on Scooter Libby are an appropriate and necessary punishment for his obstruction of justice. cheers


Breath in - Breath out

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MessageSujet: 1010 - Pour Tous et pour Biloulou en particulier   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 14:43

Il existe encore des gens decents meme dans les media, heureusement.

July 6, 2009, 1:02 pm

In Defense of Palin and Sanford

I did not vote for Sarah Palin in the November election, and had I been a resident of South Carolina, I wouldn’t have supported Mark Sanford. But I find their failings and, in the case of Sanford, sins more palatable than the behavior of the pundits who are having so much fun at their expense.
Both Republican governors made rambling and sometimes halting statements of about 18 minutes (is that the canonical length for this kind of thing?), and in response the commentators speculated endlessly about why they had said what they said. The one explanation they didn’t seem capable of coming up with was that they meant it, that their words were coming from the heart, from an interior that may have been fissured and rocky, but was nonetheless (dare I use the word) genuine.
Palin had barely finished speaking when MSNBC paraded analysts from both sides of the aisle (Matt Lewis and Chris Kofinis) who agreed that (1) it was a disastrous performance and (2) they couldn’t for the life of them figure out why she had delivered it. Kofinis: “It’s hard to understand why she’s resigning.” Lewis: “What she’s essentially done is guarantee that no pundit could make any intellectual defense of her.”
Later, Joe Scarborough pronounced in the same vein: “It’s hard to find a compelling reason.” The former majority leader of her own party, Ralph Samuels, chimed in, “I’ve had a million calls today from friends, all political junkies, and everyone is asking the same questions. Is it national ambition, or does she want time to write the book, or is she just tired of it. Don’t have a clue.”
Maybe he should look at the video and pay attention this time to the reasons she gives. It is true that her statement was not constructed in a straightforward, logical manner, but the main theme was sounded often and plainly: This is not what I signed up for. I’m spending all my time and the state’s money responding to attack after attack and they aren’t going to let up because, “It doesn’t cost the people who make these silly accusations a dime.”
The accusations had been coming from all sides, from investigators of her ethics, from Alaska Democrats and fellow Republicans, from officials in the McCain campaign, from scathing magazine articles, from what she termed the mockery and humiliation directed at her son Trig, from late-night comedians taking potshots at her daughters.
She dated the beginning of her trials and tribulations from the moment in August, 2008, when “political operatives descended on Alaska digging for dirt.” She complained that “millions of dollars go down the drain in this new political environment.” She signaled repeatedly her weariness with the “superficial political blood–sport” politics has become. She returned to her own sport, basketball, to explain that because she had become a distraction she was going to do what a good point guard always does, pass the ball to someone (her lieutenant governor) in a better position to make the shot. And in the end she earned the declaration that “I have given my reasons plainly and candidly.”
But the pundits didn’t want to hear them or, rather, they were committed to believing that the real reasons lay elsewhere, and were strategic. They couldn’t fathom the possibility that she was just giving voice to her feelings. It must, they assumed, be a calculation, and having decided that, they happily went on to describe how bad a calculation it was.
They did this even when reporting on something that might have given them pause. It was generally agreed that because the statement was structurally chaotic, even formless, Palin had written it herself. No self-respecting political operative would have produced something so badly crafted. One would have thought that this would be seen as evidence of the absence of calculation, but instead it was received as evidence of her Alaska-limited understanding of politics. (Doesn’t she know, they asked, that resigning is no way to run for president?) Rather than reasoning from what they took to be the political ineptitude of her performance to the possibility that it wasn’t political, they just continued on their merry, muckraking way.
They did the same thing when Mark Sanford followed his disjointed confession with other confessions and with lyrical, over-the-top statements about the love of his life and crying in Argentina. (All this against the backdrop of the e-mails that were giving media would-be comedians a field day.) Why doesn’t he stop talking?, the pundits asked. Why doesn’t he shut up? Doesn’t he see the damage he’s doing to his career and his party?
Maybe he did, and maybe he didn’t, but it didn’t matter because he wasn’t doing politics; he was doing cri de coeur, serial meanderings about sin, weakness, mistakes, duty, responsibility, irresponsibility and, above all, passion.
The ineptness of his remarks on every level was staggering; politically he was busy digging his own grave; personally, in terms of his family life, he was digging another. He declared in one breath that he was trying to fall back in love with his wife, and in the next he told the world that this was a love story, “a forbidden one, a tragic one, but a love story at the end of the day.”
The commentators thought they were covering the latest chapter in the male-politician-who-can’t-keep-his-pants-zipped saga. What they were really covering (although they just couldn’t see it) was the latest chapter in the “all for love” saga, with earlier chapters featuring Antony and Cleopatra, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Anna Karenina and Count Vronsky. (O.K., so his stage is not as large as theirs, but it displays the same drama.) Sanford’s actions were without doubt foolish, reprehensible and incredibly maladroit, but they were also real.
So what’s the bottom line story? Simple. Sanford is in love. Palin is in pain. Sometimes what it seems to be is what it is.
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MessageSujet: 1011 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 17:10

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 070709_SOLDIERS

U.S. Army
Family of U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan on the same day Michael Jackson died decry the King of Pop's wall-to-wall coverage in the media.

Comme je les comprends!
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 17:54


Date ..........Presidential Approval Index-Strongly Approve-Strongly Disapprove-Total Approve-Total Disapprove
07/07/2009 -3 33% 36% 52% 47%
07/06/2009 -2 33% 35% 53% 46%
07/05/2009 No Polling - Fourth of July
07/04/2009 No Polling - Fourth of July
07/03/2009 No Polling - Fourth of July

Dernière édition par Sylvette le 7/7/2009, 18:06, édité 2 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 18:05

et le

01/21/2009 +28 44% 16% 65% 30%

NP est bien aime (Avoir les media dans sa poche ne fait pas de mal) mais ses idees, pour certaines completement anti-americaines, beaucoup moins. Ses pourcentages d'approbation de performance ont montre un reel soutien a l'homme de la part des Americains; de plus en plus rejettent maintenant ce changement radical de leur pays, et ca se ressent dans les sondages.

Si l'on regarde les chiffres depuis la date "anniversaire" des 6 mois de NP a la Maison Blanche, pas une seule fois, il n'est repasse aux 35% de personnes l'approuvant fortement. Inversement les chiffres tournent autour de 35% (un peu moins et aujourd'hui, meme, plus)

Dans l'ensemble, si l'on considere qu'il y a environ 1/3 pour lui d'inebranlables de gauche et environ 1/3 contre lui d'irreductibles de droite, ce qui va etre interessant de surveiller maintenant c'est le 1/3 restant.
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Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 18:42

Pensez-vous que le président Obama va lui aussi organiser un 11 septembre pour faire remonter sa quote ? Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise 137720
(Attention ! Je porte des lunettes ! )Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Yelims25
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Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise Empty7/7/2009, 18:57

Ah ben c'est malin! geek Laughing

Je ne pense pas que ca lui remonterait ses pourcentages, non. Basketball
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