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MessageSujet: Al-Qaida's budget slips through the cracks   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty14/11/2008, 22:57

Rappel du premier message :

U.S. clamps down on banking transactions; terror group finds new funding

By Robert Windrem and Garrett Haake
NBC News
updated 7:56 a.m. ET Nov. 14, 2008
Seven years after the Sept. 11 attacks, U.S. intelligence officials believe they've won many small victories against al-Qaida's ability to finance its operations, but they remain unable to put a concrete dollar figure on their impact.

That's because they have no reliable estimate of al-Qaida's overall budget, according to current and former U.S. counterterrorism officials, which means the only measures of the organization's economic health are sporadic, anecdotal and fragmentary.

"When you see a cell complaining that it hasn't received its monthly or biannual stipend and it's unable to pay the salaries of the people in the cell, unable to make the support payments to the families of terrorists living or dead, that's a tremendous indicator we have pressured the financial channel," said Adam Szubin, the director of the U.S. Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control and the man in charge of tracking terrorist finance.
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MessageSujet: 950 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty30/6/2009, 12:26

Tiens, je comparais justement le journaliste italien a O'Reilly dernierement.

Celebrating the destruction of others
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty30/6/2009, 12:36

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Le 60eme anniversaire

Nous en serons Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 85425
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty30/6/2009, 13:15

Sylvette a écrit:
Tiens, je comparais justement le journaliste italien a O'Reilly dernierement.
Ce serait osé de ma part de prétendre bien connaître O'Reilly en tant que journaliste, mais à voir les tempêtes d'd'injures d'insanités qu'on déverse sur lui... et les faiseurs de ces tempêtes....
Bon, il ne doit certainement pas être un béni-oui-oui, ça non, non. Laughing

Dernière édition par Biloulou le 30/6/2009, 18:12, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty30/6/2009, 16:12

... Bon, il ne doit certainement pas être un béni-oui-oui, ça non, non.

Bof, ca m'etonnerait qu'il le soit, Biloulou

Je ne le mets pas non plus sur un piedestal ni ne lui pose un halo autour de la tete, toutefois, j'avoue que si ce n'etait pour lui et quelques rares autres principalement chez FOX News, nous ne saurions de ce qui se passe que ce que les grands pontes de l'information et les dirigeants avec lesquels ils partagent une ideologie veulent bien laisser passer sur les ondes ou dans la presse.

De plus, dans l'ensemble, il essaye d'etre juste dans ses reportages et ses commentaires tout en maintenant la pression sur des gens qui utilisent leur autorite contre ceux qui dependent de leurs decisions (il s'en prend en particulier aux juges liberaux (de gauche) qui relachent des violeurs d'enfants en leur trouvant des excuses.

Une chose est certaine, a part un femme qui travaillait pour lui et qui l'a accuse de harcellement sexuel (l'affaire n'est pas passee devant les tribunaux), je n'ai jamais entendu rien dire. Ceci dit, il n'est certainement pas un enfant de coeur toutefois, toutefois, il est tellement hai (il a des gardes du corps) qu'il a interet a ne pas faire trop de betises etant sous surveillance sans cesse.

Ils ont failli avoir Rush, ils adoreraient en avoir fini avec lui.

Gros problemes teccchhhniques aujourd'hui, j'espere que ca va passer.
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MessageSujet: 954 - ... suite du 953   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty30/6/2009, 16:18

Bill O'Reilly Hires Bodyguards, May Retire

NewsMax.Com ^| Oct 18, 2005 | Jim Meyers

Posted on Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:12:54 PM by Cindy_Cin
Now it's so bad that I spend an enormous amount of money protecting myself against evil," declares Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, who says his enemies have become so vicious that he's mulling retiring from his top-rated TV show.

He has also hired bodyguards to protect himself.

The liberal media establishment is mostly behind the rising tide of hatred because "it can't marginalize me," O'Reilly told Newsday's Verne Gay in a rare interview published Tuesday.
Gay writes: "Almost exactly a year since he settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with former Fox News producer Andrea Mackris, the embattled life of O'Reilly has become an increasingly strange and scary one."

O'Reilly told Newsday that he receives death threats and has to hire bodyguards. He can't check into hotels with his family. People on the street take his picture with their cell phones and then post it on the Web.

"Who wants to live like that?" he complains

Il aura change d'avis au sujet de prendre sa retraite
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MessageSujet: 955 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 08:51

L'un des plus grossiers personnages et des plus haineux arrive au Senat, donnant la majorite absolue aux Democrates au Senat.

Franken Declares Winner of Minnesota Senate Election, Giving Dems Filibuster-Proof Majority

After the Minnesota high court rejects a legal challenge from Norm Coleman, the Republican concedes to Democrat Al Franken in the state's Senate race.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Minnesota's governor certified Democrat Al Franken as the winner of the state's vacant Senate seat after the state's high court ruled that Republican opponent Norm Coleman had exhausted his options for appealing the result.

Coleman responded to the court ruling by conceding the election and wishing Franken well, ending an eight-month legal battle that directly affects the balance of power in the Senate.

When Franken is seated, possibly next week, it will give Democrats a 60-vote, potentially fillibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

Franken told reporters that he was humbled "not just by the closeness of the this election but by the enormity of the responsibility that comes with this office. We have a lot of work to do in Washington but that's why I signed up for the job in the first place."

Franken said he expected to be seated next week but downplayed the significance of his victory giving Democrats a coveted 60th seat in the Senate.

"I'm not going to Washington to be the 60th Democratic senator. I'm going to Washington to be the second senator from the state of Minnesota," he said. "That's how I'm going to do this job."

Coleman, who ran last year as the incumbent, could have tried to take the case to the federal Supreme Court, but he told reporters outside his home in St. Paul that continuing to drag out his challenge would hurt his state.

"I just had a conversation with Al Franken congratulating him on his victory," Coleman said. "The Supreme Court of Minnesota has spoken. I respect its decision and I will abide by its result. ...We have reached the point where further litigation damages the unity of our state."

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MessageSujet: 956 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 09:33

George W. Bush appointees buck Barack Obama on terror policies

By JOSH GERSTEIN | 6/30/09 4:13 AM EDT
Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 090629_padilla_ap_297
Jose Padilla was sentenced by Federal Judge Marcia Cooke to 17 years and four months for conspiring to support Islamic extremists around the world. (AP) Photo: AP

President Barack Obama’s claims of broad executive authority to carry out the war on terror are drawing fire from an unexpected source: federal judges nominated by President George W. Bush, who asserted the sweeping powers in the first place.

In recent weeks, three different Bush appointees considering cases relating to war-on-terror detainees have rejected arguments from Obama’s Justice Department, which adopted virtually unchanged the positions the Bush administration had staked out.

In each case, the Bush-appointed judge said the executive branch was overstepping its authority and claiming more powers than the law allowed.

“It took a while for the courts to turn on George Bush. Obama’s not getting that same period,” said Jonathan Turley, a liberal legal analyst at The George Washington University. “The fact that these are Republican appointees tends to add an exclamation point to their decisions.”

“Even Republican judges are seeing through the arguments and the idea that the war on terror justified depriving prisoners of constitutional protections,” said Jonathan Hafetz of the American Civil Liberties Union.

The irony, of course, is that Democrats railed against Bush for what many saw as a power grab in the months and years after the Sept. 11 attacks — when Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney asserted vast executive branch authority to wage wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and to hold prisoners in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere. In the years since, courts from the Supreme Court on down have begun to pare back that authority, saying in several high-profile rulings that Bush overstepped his bounds.

Since taking office, Obama has adopted many of these broad claims to executive authority as he’s inherited the war on terror from the past administration — but he is now facing some of the same legal constraints that Bush began to encounter in his closing years in office, sometimes in sharply worded decisions that show some courts have decided it’s time to rein in executive power.

“For seven years, the Bush administration, in tandem with Congress, were able to stop any judge from actually looking at the evidence” in detainee cases, Hafetz said. “They’re finding that the emperor has no clothes and the detentions lack evidentiary support.”

In April, Judge John Bates turned aside the arguments of the Obama and Bush administrations in ruling that some prisoners at the U.S.-run Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan were entitled to challenge their detention in court if they were captured outside Afghanistan.

“Such rendition resurrects the same specter of limitless executive power the Supreme Court sought to guard against: ... the concern that the executive could move detainees physically beyond the reach of the Constitution and detain them indefinitely,” wrote Bates, who was appointed to the district court in Washington in 2001 and is a former aide to Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr.

Earlier this month, San Francisco-based Judge Jeffrey White surprised many legal analysts when he refused to dismiss a lawsuit an alleged Al Qaeda operative and convicted terrorist, Jose Padilla, brought against former Justice Department attorney John Yoo over his alleged involvement in Bush’s decision to hold Padilla in a South Carolina Navy brig for more than three years.

“Like any other government official, government lawyers are responsible for the foreseeable consequences of their conduct,” wrote White, a former federal prosecutor nominated by Bush in 2002. “The specific designation as an enemy combatant does not automatically eviscerate all of the constitutional protections afforded to a citizen of the United States. ... The court finds that the complaint alleges conduct that would be unconstitutional if directed at any detainee.”

Read more:
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MessageSujet: 957 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 10:06

Suite du 956

Comme quoi le renversement de tendance observe dans la politique de NP montre l'enorme difference entre sa vision theorique de candidat a la presidence qui soutenait "la Loi et les juges (qui l'interpretaient comme lui) et celle pratique de president dont le devoir premier est la Securite du pays, surtout si celui-ci a deja ete attaque comme ce fut le cas en 2001, 1995 (Oklahoma) et en 1993 (les tours de New York pour la premiere fois, les 2 derniers attentats pendant la presidence de Bill).

Bien evidemment, ce ne sont pas non plus les seules fois que les terroristes aient attaque sur le sol americain: Bill Ayers (ami sans l'etre vraiment de NP avant son arrivee a la Maison Blanche) s'y etait amuse a faire explose quelques bombes egalement dans les annees 60/70.

Il y en a existe plusieurs aussi hors US: le Cole en 2002, les ambassades americaines en Tanzanie et au Kenya en 1998, les tours Khobar en Arabie Saoudite en 1996, toutes egalement pendant que Bill etait au Bureau Oval d'ailleurs)...

C'est marrant, je me demande 1) combien de personnes se souviennent de ces actes terroristes et 2) s'ils s'en souviennent, que les recents, et a part le 11 septembre, tous se soient passes lorsque Bill etait "en charge"
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MessageSujet: 958 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 11:05

Tant que j'y suis, un petit rappel aussi au sujet du 11 septembre 2001:

C'est egalement alors que Bill etait president que le Soudan lui a propose d'extrade Ben Laden vers les Etats Unis, et que notre Secretaire de l'etat de l'epoque Albright (Madeleine pour les intimes, celle qui a "decouvert" tout a fait pas hasard qu'elle etait juive apres avoir ete nommee pa Bill, mais je m'ecarte...) et l'ambassadeur a l'epoque dans le pays concerne, Susan Rice (maintenant Ambassadeur Americain aux Nations Unis....) avaient genereusement refuse.

Bill avait d'ailleurs dit, apres les attentats du 11 septembre, que ne pas avoir accepte l'offre avait ete la plus grosse erreur de sa carriere.

You think? geek (quoi qu'il y en a bien une autre qui vienne a l'esprit) mais bon, on lui a pardonne d'ailleurs plus personne, ou presque, n'en parle. Pour la presse americaine et pour la gauche, les erreurs du passe ne sont valables et surtout utilisables que pour Bush 43! Very Happy
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MessageSujet: 959 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 11:43

Toujours au sujet de Franken

Al Franken's Next Step: Win Over GOP Colleagues

Minnesota's new junior senator has friends in the GOP, but has thrived on insulting conservatives.

Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The next task for Minnesota's new junior senator will be to complete his transformation from edgy comedian to influential politician.

To prepare, Al Franken has studied the experiences of former Sen. Bill Bradley, the basketball star who won his seat in 1979 after a Hall of Fame career with the New York Knicks. Mr. Bradley kept his head down and worked on unglamorous issues such as tax policy. Mr. Franken is determined to follow suit.

"We've talked about this -- how do you come in with a certain cachet, as Bill Bradley or Jay Rockefeller or Hillary Clinton had to do, and make sure you don't p -- off your colleagues from the get-go?" said Norman Ornstein, a close friend of Mr. Franken's and a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. "He will be very cognizant of that."

Mr. Franken faces an obstacle previous Senate arrivistes didn't. In his years hosting a liberal radio show and writing books such as "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right," he might find it hard to work with some Republican colleagues. Mr. Franken has friends in the GOP, but has thrived on insulting conservatives.

"Republicans will have their guard up and approach him with caution due to his overly partisan nature as a liberal media star," said Ron Bonjean, a onetime aide to Sen. Jon Kyl (R., Ariz.) and former Republican Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi. "He will have to make the first move."

Mr. Franken rose to fame as a writer and occasional performer on "Saturday Night Live" during its early days as a 1970s pop-culture phenomenon. In later years he developed his most famous character, Stuart Smalley, a self-help guru whose mantra was "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."

"His politics were very apparent," said fellow SNL cast member Jane Curtin. "We had watched the Watergate hearings and it was pretty clear what we all stood for."

By 1986, he was campaigning for Democratic candidates, and a decade later he wrote the bestselling book "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and other Observations." He hosted the "Al Franken Show" on the Air America radio network from 2004 to 2007*, on which he announced his Senate candidacy.


* qui, il faut tout de meme le rappeler, avait fait faillite bien qu'ayant ete financierement ces quelques annees par George Soros car entierement soumis a son ideologie.
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MessageSujet: 960 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 11:58

I doubt you will read/hear about her in many other media. Crying or Very sad

Heritage Foundation mourns Mary Lou
By Edwin J. Feulner | Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I was saddened to hear Sunday of the passing of Mary Lou Forbes, who first provided a much-needed canvas for conservative opinion and policy solutions more than a quarter-century ago, as editor of the Commentary pages of The Washington Times. She relished that job until she collapsed two weeks ago under the weight of an undiagnosed cancer.

Mary Lou was more than a good journalist, although she got a kick out of showing the men's club at the old Washington Evening Star that she could report as fast and as well as any of them. That's just what she did in the late 1950s, during her Pulitzer-winning coverage of the school desegregation fight in Virginia.

More importantly, Ludy was a good person: imaginative, creative and principled. Those qualities, joined to discipline, formidable work habits and high standards, made her a force within the conservative movement as the Reagan revolution gathered steam.

To me, Ludy was a friend and a mentor. She helped me sharpen my thinking and my writing as a columnist. Here at the Heritage Foundation, we were grateful when she made space on her Commentary pages for the views of our policy experts. But she didn't mince words when one of those pieces wasn't clear, engaging or distinctive enough.

Ludy became a regular at Heritage's annual Christmas party for Washington media, her presence announced by a full-throated laugh that filled the room. Along with her laugh, the inspiration and guidance of Mary Lou Forbes will be sorely missed by all those who care about rigorous, honest debate about the role of government.

For me, the sense of loss began yesterday afternoon, when I didn't see Ludy seated in her customary pew at St. Mary's Church. Even as I prayed for her, I could take comfort in the thought that she had rejoined her beloved husband, James - and that the Lord had plenty to keep her busy.
Edwin J. Feulner is president of the Heritage Foundation.
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 14:10

C'est très intéressant, ces évènements que vous portez à notre connaissance et que notre presse néglige car trop "américains" et souvent assez éloignés de ce que nous devons accepter comme vérité.

Comme l'évolution de l'idée de la justice chez le président Obama telle qu'elle doit sévir contre ceux qui la méprisent, les terroristes, entre l'époque de la campagne électorale et les réalités du terrain aujourd'hui... comme ce fait divers au sujet de Ben Laden du temps de Bill Clinton...

Tout ça est très intéressant ! Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 14:32

... et moi qui craignait de me repeter! Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 14:51

C'est mieux que de passer inaperçue !

Imaginez que... allez, au hasard, que Lawrence, par exemple, rate une petite curiosité de derrière les fagots que vous auriez distillée, vous voyez ce qu'il aurait perdu pour toute sa vie ? Sad

C'est très bien ainsi.

(Et Shansaa, avez-vous pensé à Shansaa ? Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Yelims13)
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MessageSujet: 964 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty1/7/2009, 16:01

Oui... evidemment, vu comme cela!!! scratch

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MessageSujet: 965 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 16:02

Cap-and-trade est passee poussee et tiree par Nancy (The W.W.W. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 896845 )

S'il passe au Senat, c'est un coup de couteau dans l'economie americaine en general et dans tous les Americains proprietaires et autres d'ailleurs en particulier.

Glen Beck

Dernière édition par Sylvette le 2/7/2009, 16:12, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: 966 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 16:11

Air France Probe: Plane Fell Vertically, Was Not Destroyed in Flight[/i]

Thursday, July 02, 2009 Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Foxnews_story

LE BOURGET, France — Air France crash investigators said on Thursday Flight 447 was not destroyed in flight, but fell vertically.

French investigators presented their initial findings into what caused the plane to drop out of the sky in the middle of the Atlantic a month ago, prompting one of history's most challenging plane crash investigations.

The report says life vests found in the wreckage were not inflated, and that the search for the plane's black boxes will continue through July 10.

The Airbus A330-200 plane flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris went down with 228 people on board in a remote area of the Atlantic, 930 miles off Brazil's mainland and far from radar coverage.

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MessageSujet: 967 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 16:21

Date................ Presidential Approval Index Strongly Approve Strongly Disapprove Total Approve Total Disapprove
07/02/2009 -2 33% 35% 53% 46%
07/01/2009 -1 32% 33% 54% 45%
06/30/2009 -2 31% 33% 54% 46%
06/29/2009 +1 33% 32% 55% 44%
06/28/2009 0 32% 32% 54% 45%
06/27/2009 +2 33% 31% 55% 44%
06/26/2009 +2 33% 31% 55% 44%
01/21/2009 +28 44% 16% 65% 30%
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MessageSujet: 968 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 22:40

et ca continue! Certains se rappelleront peut-etre a quel point la gauche s'en est prise a Pres. Bush l'accusant d'egratigner la Constitution et de pietiner les droits a la vie privee des Americains... bounce

Obama Administration to Involve NSA in Defending Civilian Agency Networks

By Ellen Nakashima
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 2, 2009; 4:15 PM

The Obama administration will proceed with a Bush-era plan to use National Security Agency assistance in screening government computer traffic on private-sector networks, with AT&T as the likely test site, according to three current and former government officials.

President Obama said in May that government efforts to protect computer systems from attack would not involve "monitoring private sector networks or Internet traffic" and Department of Homeland Security officials say that the new program will only scrutinize data going to or from government systems.

But the program has provoked debate within DHS, the current and former officials said, because of uncertainty over whether private data can be shielded from unauthorized scrutiny, how much of a role NSA should play and whether the agency's involvement in warrantless wiretapping under the Bush administration would draw controversy.


cheers cheers cheers - Une boufee d'air!!!!

Pfff! Laughing


Aie aie aie aie aie mais alors ca, c'est la meilleure!!!! C'est la faute a Pres. Bush de ne s'etre pas correctement explique et d'avoir fait que la gauche soir suspicieuse. Tout compte fait il est tres bien ce programme maintenant que c'est NP que va le faire utiliser. On croit rever. et ca passe, et ca passe... Incroyable!!!!

Les 53% qui soutiennent encore NP vont-ils bientot se reveiller? bounce Laughing


Last fall, plans for the pilot were proceeding, former officials said. But in the Bush administration's final weeks, AT&T lawyers raised concerns about legal liability, they said. Then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey was willing to give AT&T written assurance that it would bear no liability for participation in the program, but both AT&T and the Justice Department agreed that the new administration should issue the certification, they said.

"They just wanted to make sure the certification would not be reversed by the next administration," said a former Bush administration official said.

In hindsight, Baker said, the Bush White House's decision to classify so much of its initiative was a mistake.

"It meant that the problem was not well understood," said Baker, former NSA general counsel in the Clinton administration. "The solution was veiled in secrecy in a way that allowed people outside to be suspicious, so anybody who mistrusted the intelligence community could just assume that it was because they were doing something that they shouldn't be doing."

Staff writers Spencer H. Hsu and Carrie Johnson contributed to this report.

Dernière édition par Sylvette le 2/7/2009, 22:47, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 22:45

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mes excuses, Biloulou Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 659552

je ne vous avais pas vu. J'ai fait un ajout a mon dernier mesage Embarassed
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 22:49

Que faites vous sous l'eau?
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 22:53

Sylvette a écrit:
Que faites vous sous l'eau?
Je respire.
Une petite bouffée d'air frais par-ci, par-là.... Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 22:55

Sylvette a écrit:
mes excuses, Biloulou Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 659552

je ne vous avais pas vu. J'ai fait un ajout a mon dernier mesage Embarassed
Pas de problème, je respirai avant votre ajout, après aussi ! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Smiley31
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 22:56

ah!!! Heureusement, qu'il y a les bouteilles d'oxygene.

Je me demande pourquoi Shansaa Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 659552 nous a abandonnes comme ca. C'etait pourtant bien son candidat, NP, non?
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 39 Empty2/7/2009, 22:58

Question economie, le vent commence a tourner egalement. J'entendais tout-a-l'heure un professeur de Harward qui expliquait que les plans de relance etaient voues a l'echec depuis le debut et qu'il aurait bien mieux valu faire des reductions d'impots... Laughing
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