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 Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty4/9/2016, 15:11

Rappel du premier message :

... et on nous explique que Trump serait mal recu a l'etranger.

No Red Carpet, Tarmac Trouble: China Snubbing Obama at G20 Summit?

Taruni Kumar
Yesterday, 11:29 pm

China may be too aware that US President Barack Obama’s ongoing visit to China for the G20 Summit is his last Asia trip while in office. There’s been trouble from the American President’s very first step, which he could not take because there was no staircase for him to exit the plane and descend on the red carpet. The internal stairs of the President’s plane Air Force One had to be used.
Theresa Fallon, Director of a foreign policy think tank tweeted a photo of Prime Minister Modi’s descent from his plane relative to Obama’s with the caption, “Spot the difference”.

[url=China may be too aware that US President Barack Obama’s ongoing visit to China for the G20 Summit is his last Asia trip while in office. There’s been trouble from the American President’s very first step, which he could not take because there was no staircase for him to exit the plane and descend on the red carpet. The internal stairs of the President’s plane Air Force One had to be used.]Suite...[/url]

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Obama1-large_trans++ZgEkZX3M936N5BQK4Va8RTgjU7QtstFrD21mzXAYo54

Pas de tapis rouge pas meme de passerelle. Il a du descender par l'escalier de Air Force One!
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Nombre de messages : 10293
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty12/1/2017, 11:42

J'aime également les NT, mais comme je n'y pige rien, je m'adresse aux cadors de LP ! (en y mettant la forme ! )Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 97qgs911
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 5695
Age : 23
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty12/1/2017, 11:48

oui, je ne maîtrise pas encore complètement ma nouvelle télé avec toutes ses fonctions (pour l'instant, je connais par coeur la zapette, c'est déjà pas mal Twisted Evil mais j'ai vu que sur l'application youtube ils nous expliquent "comment avoir netflix gratuitement" Very Happy

pour l'instant, je reste avec mon abonnement (9.99 euros pour deux écrans) et puis je m'attarderai un peu plus tard sur ce netflix gratuit !!! promis Very Happy

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 5695
Age : 23
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty12/1/2017, 11:51

Sylvette a écrit:
Kalawasa: pas pour la tele seulement ordinateur, tablette ou telephone.

Je crois que Marieden comme moi, on aime bien la nouvelle technologie mais on aime aussi le confort d'un grand ecran.

Ceci dit je vais lire jusqu'au bout (pour l'instant je n'ai pas encore trouve le nom du site) et j'en parlerai aux enfants.


oui franchement, avoir un écran de plus d'un mètre, quel intérêt d'aller regarder un film sur une tablette, un ordi ou un téléphone ? quand on voyage ok mais pas à la maison
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty12/1/2017, 17:02

Voila quelque chose de bien clair

'PROFOUND DISMAY': Intel boss calls Trump to disavow dossier leaks

Published January 12, 2017              

The nation's top intel chief called President-elect Donald Trump Wednesday to personally deny leaking to the media a dubious dossier of allegations about sensitive information the Russians supposedly had about him.

Trump confirmed Thursday that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper spoke to him by phone, apparently sometime after a press conference in which Trump lashed out at media outlets, including Buzzfeed and CNN, that ran with the story and speculated it was leaked by federal officials.

"James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated," Trump tweeted. "Made up, phony facts.Too bad!"
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 12768
Age : 64
Localisation : Countat da Nissa
Date d'inscription : 03/11/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty13/1/2017, 01:18

128 -

Je suppose qu'il n'existe au monde pas un individu averti des procédures, usages et techniques
du renseignement, du contre-espionnage et de la propagande qui ne soit pas extrêmement circonspect
devant la parution de ce mémo et de ce rapport dit secret dont on ne sait comment et d'où il sont sortis.

Loin d'être un spécialiste, je pense que derrière ce pensum accusatoire se cache l'esprit mauvais perdant
d'une faction irresponsable des Democs sur qui pourrait tomber une procédure judiciaire d'atteinte à la
sûreté de l'Etat.

Il y a des jeux de khôns qui se retournent contre ceux qui les ont initiés...

Après ça allez demander aux citoyens de ne pas traverser en-dehors des clous quand les institutions
qui les représentent et encadrent leur vies se moquent éperdument du droit et de l'intérêt commun.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty13/1/2017, 01:34

Je ne pourrais etre plus d'accord avec vous, Eddie
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty14/1/2017, 04:57

A Letter to Meryl Streep

by Lee Habeeb | Updated 13 Jan 2017 at 7:51 AM
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty14/1/2017, 05:31

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Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty15/1/2017, 14:07

Scores of Muslims Turning to Christ in Middle East; Churches Expecting 'Millions' of Converts

Thousands of Muslims are turning to Jesus Christ and what they view as the "religion of freedom" amid ongoing bloodshed in the Middle East, reports indicate. Some churches hope that millions of people will accept Christ amid a "spiritual hunger" that is forming in the wake of persecution.

Voice Of the Martyrs Canada, which supports Christian radio broadcasts in the region, told BosNewsLife that despite the mass exodus of Christians from Iraq and Syria due to terrorism, persecution, and war, scores of Muslims are making the decision to embrace Christianity.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 15:13

At least 20 Democratic lawmakers plan to skip Inauguration Day

At least 20 Democratic lawmakers plan to skip Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony Friday after the president-elect lashed out against civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., for calling him an illegitimate president.
All of the lawmakers who plan to skip the ceremony are members of the House. Some are using Trump’s lewd statements about women, remarks about illegal immigrants and the reports of Russian-backed hacking of political committees as reasons for not going to the event.
Lewis said in an interview NBC’s “Meet the Press,” which aired Sunday, to lash out against Trump, saying that he didn’t see the president-elect as a “legitimate president” as well as blaming Russian hacking for helping him get elected.

All of the lawmakers who plan to skip the ceremony are members of the House. Some are using Trump’s lewd statements about women, remarks about illegal immigrants and the reports of Russian-backed hacking of political committees as reasons for not going to the event.

1) Que ces representants n'aient pas aime les commentaires du Donald, c'est tout a fait leur droit; toutefois Trump  a ete elu a 306 contre 232 pour Hillary, gagnant le plus de comtes depuis Reagan, alors "illegitime", c'est assez risible.

2) Pour autant que nous le sachions, personna n'a eu illegal acces aux urnes dans le but de changer les resultats.

La verite, je crois, est que c'est un pay back pour Trump qui insistait a vouloir prouver que notre president plus que pour 4 jours,  n'etait pas ne aux Etats Unis mais au Kenya.

On a le droit de se demander quelle etiquette aurait ete placee sur le revers de vestons/vestes des Representatives qui auraient ose il y a 8 ans.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 54566
Localisation : Jardins suspendus sur la Woluwe - Belgique
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 15:21

Sylvette a écrit:
At least 20 Democratic lawmakers plan to skip Inauguration Day.

Moi je pensais y aller, mais c'est impossible pour des questions de calendrier. Rolling Eyes
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 15:24

je comprends, Biloulou, meme chose pour moi. Wink

Excellent voyage au Portugal! sunny
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 54566
Localisation : Jardins suspendus sur la Woluwe - Belgique
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 15:26

Sylvette a écrit:
je comprends, Biloulou, meme chose pour moi. Wink
Excellent voyage au Portugal! sunny

Merci Sylvette, vous présenterez mes excuses à votre Président, n'est-ce pas ?
Il comprendra.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 18:18

Very Happy Bien sur, Biloulou, sans probleme.

Comme moi, vous pourrez voir autant ou aussi peu (en direct ou de la retransmission) que cela vous plaira et "au chaud"! Very Happy
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 20:29

Clinton Global Initiative to lay off employees, shut down amid dwindling donations

The Clintons are moving ahead with plans to downsize their controversial foundation’s network of offshoots, a decision carried out as the powerful family’s political influence wanes and its once-lengthy donor list shrinks.
In a decision announced last week, 22 additional employees are being laid off from the Clinton Global Initiative – known for its annual glitzy gathering of high-powered leaders and celebs. The layoffs are tied to a decision to shutter CGI that originally was announced in an Aug. 22 letter from former President Bill Clinton.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 21:26

Eugene Cernan, last man to walk on the moon, dead at 82

Gene Cernan, an early NASA astronaut who was the last man to set foot on the moon, died Monday, NASA announced in a tweet. He was 82.
Cernan was the commander of Apollo 17 in December 1972 – the last lunar mission and one of the final Apollo flights. When Cernan stepped out from lunar module “Challenger” he became the 11th person to walk on the moon. His lunar module pilot, Jack Schmitt, was the 12th. But as commander, Cernan was the last to re-enter the module, making him the last person to walk on the lunar surface.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty16/1/2017, 21:36

[url=Justin Trudeau’s Ontario road show takes on partisan edge]Justin Trudeau’s Ontario road show takes on partisan edge[/url]

Canadians who want to meet Justin Trudeau during his upcoming road tour town halls are being asked to first register their personal details with Liberal Mps.

That puts a political taint on the prime minister’s attempt at grassroots mingling, Conservative MP Candice Bergen (Portage–Lisgar) said Wednesday.

“Don’t call it an open town hall when it’s actually a Liberal rally,” she said. “It’s not at all the back-to-the-people tour that the prime minister described.”

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty17/1/2017, 20:07


‘Twas the night before Inauguration, and up in the tower
The Donald reflected on his newfound power.
The Deplorable masses had come out in force
Delivered a victory that would chart a new course

The snowflakes were shell-shocked with tears in their eyes
The media had lied to them . . . ‘What a great surprise
They had been promised a blowout a criminal Hillary win
But instead ole criminal Hillary took one right on the chin

From all corners celebrities took their far left cue
Telling the deplorables’ we’re far smarter than you
In their high-horse bubble, with no working-class clue
They tell us all we must follow their out of touch view

The fake news and ignorance came at a cost
They can’t understand all the reasons they lost
Blaming it on Comey and Russian excuses are sad
Failing to acknowledge she was the one who was bad

Yes, Hillary Clinton, in so many ways was flawed
She couldn’t help exposing she was a lying fraud
The campaign revealed her corruptness and greed
Her speeches insulted deplorables’ votes she’d need

Out in the city streets there arose such a clatter
It was Soros-paid protestors…Black Lives Matter
With businesses to pillage and windows to shatter
Looting was their game knowing issues did not matter

Eight years of Obama had given them plenty of cause
To yearn for a replacement with another Santa Claus
Soon the bottom-feeder criminals will all feel the pain
When the wheels fall right off of their gravy train

And now all the snowflakes are riddled with fear
Upset the PC police will soon be out on their ear
The cocoa and crayons will help them for a while
But soon reality will creep in and cramp their style

I would’ve supported any Republican that rose
In the end I would vote for whoever we choose
He wasn’t my first choice, but soon I would concede
The one they call Trump is the one that we need

I saw him on TV in front of a very large crowd
He spoke about veterans, it made me feel proud
He spoke about energy safety prosperity and jobs
Taking this country back from the Washington snobs

He was dressed in Armani, all tailored and neat
The Bruno’s he wore made his outfit complete
For a man of his vintage, he seemed rather fit
And he looked presidential, I will have to admit

His eyes glowed like embers, his smile the best
His hair was the color of my old hunting vest
His love for this country was on full display
His actions spoke louder than his words could say

He thanked all his voters, and before he was off
Saved thousands of jobs while Obama played golf
Fate of this country he leaves nothing to chance
Filled out his superior cabinet weeks in advance

The men he had chosen were of the same mind
Let’s set the bar high, and not lead from behind
He picked up his phone as he rose from his seat
With a flick of his finger, he sent out this tweet

“Now Mattis ‘Now Kelly ‘Now Sessions’ And Pruitt’
On Perry’ On Flynn’ You’re the ones who can do it
Start lifting those restrictions and building that wall
Dash away ‘Mattis ‘Kelly’ and ‘Flynn ‘Dash away all!

The roar of his audience rose from the stands
He kissed all their babies and shook all their hands
He answered their questions and calmed all their fears
They knew it was going to be a productive four years

He then jumped into his limo, and off to his jet
A fellow that snowflake liberals won’t soon forget

He sent one more tweet as the evening expired

“Happy Inauguration to all, “OBAMA > YOU’RE FIRED!”


Very Happy
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 01:28

Chelsea Manning to Be Released Early as Obama Commutes Sentence

But the move was sharply criticized by several prominent Republicans, including the chairmen of the House and Senate armed services committees, Representative Mac Thornberry of Texas and Senator John McCain of Arizona, who called her leaks “espionage” and said they had put American troops and the country at risk.

and several Democrats too...

Manning commutation sparks Democratic criticism
The Hill
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 04:24

Obama's last press conference: What a victory lap. What a mess

President Obama’s last press conference was, despite the election’s rejection, an otherworldly stroll down victory lane.  Listening put one in mind of “Alice in Wonderland.”
He fielded adoring, generally lightweight questions from a group of well-wishing White House reporters.
He strained to project a positive self-assessment, despite leading the most historically unanchored, divisive and out-of-touch administration in modern times.  
Having regularly divided Americans along economic, racial, ethnic, religious, geographic and policy lines, repeatedly emphasizing differences over common points, Obama pivoted to grand rhetoric – congratulating himself on being a peacemaker.
All this was predictable.  The contrast between how he sees the world he leaves behind, and how Americans see the world he has created for them, is stark.  But this is how President Obama chose to govern, doing one thing, saying another.  And this press conference was the exclamation point.
The press conference confirmed what everyone expected:  Obama leaves office as an unrepentant progressive, unapologetic for much of anything, from unprecedented domestic divisions and disrespect for law enforcement to a shattered foreign policy, adversaries and allies doubting us.
From his decision to reject Israel at the United Nations to glibly upending traditional family values, from politicizing the Justice Department to commuting a 35-year sentence for treason, the president sees not what he has wrought.  This is why his Party has sent packing, why they have shed more than 1000 combined legislative, gubernatorial and congressional seats since Obama took office.
Instead of a balanced review, he offered a tinny, thin valedictory.  But then this was the man who directed his Secretary of Defense to award him the Distinguished Service Medal, and then pinned on Vice President Biden a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Get all you can, while the getting is good; take no blame, accrue all credit; deflect and ignore failure, create victories where there are none.  Coming to an end are eight years of strangely affected, regularly self-serving nonsense.  And this press conference was a distillate.
Clicking through pre-set names, Obama extolled the virtues of a “free press,” then prodded these fawning followers to “continue the same tenacity” with his successor.
Legacy?  He was “comfortable” commuting the treason sentence of Chelsea (nee Bradley) Manning, saying she was “not unpunished,” that her sentence was “not pardon.”  Never mind senior military leadership advised against this unprecedented move.
Veering left, he pressed a non sequitur on national security, saying it involves “people whose lives are put at risk” – ironically seeking to defend Manning’s release, a convict who stole tens of thousands of classified documents, put them on line endangering countless American lives.  Obama’s own lax security allowed China to hack 18 million Americans’ most sensitive data.  He saw “no contradiction” in denouncing WikiLeaks, to which Manning had released the material, adding it was “not clear WikiLeaks was a witting participant.”  What?  Really?
Advice to Trump on Putin:  Be “constructive” toward Russia, as he claimed he initially had been.  Then Obama claimed he had “helped Russia diversify and improve their economy,” tried to “help the Russian People use their incredible talents.”
[url=President Obama’s last press conference was, despite the election’s rejection, an otherworldly stroll down victory lane. Listening put one in mind of “Alice in Wonderland.”]... etc ...[/url]
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 04:43

Jim Brown: I am going to support President-elect Trump
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 1674
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 05:45

Sans rancune... Wink

'Twas The Night Before Inauguration

December 19, 2016

'Twas the night before inauguration, and all through the States
Half the country was worried 'bout the future they face.
Liberals were soaking their sorrows in gin,
With the knowledge that Donald would soon be sworn in.

Meanwhile, Trump was not snug in his bed,
But was waging a flamewar on Twitter instead.
SNL did an impression of him,
And the joke had got under his very thin skin.

All the news cycles gave the rant undeserved airtime,
As we sprang to our screens to see what he did this time.
Some called him stupid, while others agreed,
And into his ego the nation did feed.

And no matter your views, there was one thing for sure:
We were dealing with something we hadn't before.
Because our future POTUS's aims were untold,
And nobody knew what the future would hold.

Sure, Trump had said lots of things when he ran,
Like that he'd build a wall and put Muslims on ban.
But he changed what he thought at the drop of a hat.
So the promises made were worth diddly crap!

What we DID know was coming was scary as fuck.
Donald Trump filled his cabinet with dumb alt right cucks.
They all spread lies and exploited our fears,
And vowed to undo all the Obama years.

The ones who seemed sane started licking Trump's balls.
Just take a look at the House Speaker Paul.
Mr. Ryan would rather let Trump run amok,
Than admit the Republican party fucked up.  

What's worse is that Trump's number two in command
Only looked out for straight, white Christian men.
If we impeached Trump for some future offense.
We'd still have to deal with a President Pence.

It was hard to say which man posed less of a threat
Who's better: a narcisist or a bigot?
'cause even though he seemed devoid of a soul,
Pence at least seemed to have some self control.  

But Donald was driven by pride and by greed
He wanted the power but did not want to lead.
He only desired to feel like the best.
He couldn't have given two shits 'bout the rest.

If Donald felt threatened, he'd start to lash out
He'd insult and name call and scream and he'd shout.
He'd spew random bullshit to fight for his cause,
Paying no mind to the facts and the laws.

Just look to Twitter to see how he thought.
With each passing message he fought and he fought.
Each minor slight made the Donald explode.
And he'd soon be given our nuclear codes.

Trump ended his tantrum and soon went to sleep,
For tomorrow he'd be named commander in chief.
But he sent one last tweet 'ere he went out of sight:
A  link to fake news written by the alt-right.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 1674
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 06:01

Sylvette a écrit:
Obama's last press conference: What a victory lap. What a mess

Tout a fait fidele a...Fox News Wink
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2098
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 13:23

Vu qu'en France il y a peu de chance que l'avis de millions de personnes, en fait tous ceux qui ont vote pour Trump, soit represente, j'ai pense qu'il n'etait que justice de poster! Smile 

Si vous souhaitez, vous faire plaisir et vous rassurer, vous pouvez toujours mettre un article de CNN. (chaine pas du tout partiale, elle, ses actions pendant toute la campagne mais en particulier avec Donna Brazil en sont la preuve, ainsi que le faux "dossier" qu'elle a ete si fiere de communiquer la semaine derniere.
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Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 14:11

Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton, former assistant US attorney says

A New York lawyer appealed to President Obama Wednesday in an opinion piece to pardon former-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and others who may be “potential targets” of an investigation into the use of her private email server.
Robert Begleiter, a partner at Constantine Cannon LLP and former assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of New York, wrote in The Daily News that the Constitution permits a president to pardon someone who has not been charged with a crime.
President-elect Donald Trump has said he has no intention of investigating Clinton, despite the familiar chant by supporters at his primary rallies, “Lock her up.” He even refered to her as “Crooked Hillary.”
“I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Trump told editors at The New York Times shortly after the election. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways, and I’m not looking to hurt them at all. The campaign was vicious.”
Begleiter wrote that he wishes Trump well as president, but said it would be a gamble in the event Clinton ever criticized Trump during his presidency. He called it “sideways” to believe that a person who accepted a pardon is admitting guilt.
He wrote that a pardon for Clinton could, in the words of Alexander Hamilton, “restore tranquility to the commonwealth”

 Smile Smile !!
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Date d'inscription : 02/08/2014

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 6 Empty19/1/2017, 18:49

Kurtz: Obama Cracked Down on the Press Over Leaks, Yet Is Freeing Chelsea Manning

By Howard Kurtz 
Published January 19, 2017  |

Barack Obama is the president who aggressively went after the press for publishing leaks.

Obama is the president whose administration thought it was okay to surreptitiously obtain reporters’ emails and phone records while pursuing leaks.
Obama is the president whose administration conducted more leak investigations than all of his predecessors combined.

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