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MessageSujet: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty8/11/2008, 13:47

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MessageSujet: 2286 - 55% Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona’s For Their State   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty18/5/2010, 17:39

55% Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona’s For Their State

Monday, May 17, 2010

Most U.S. voters have been following news reports about the new immigration law in Arizona, and 55% favor passage of such a law in their own state.

et voila, voila!
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MessageSujet: 2287 - Presidential Tracking Poll   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty18/5/2010, 17:51

Presidential Tracking Poll

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17. That matches the lowest rating earned by the president since the passage of his health care proposal two months ago (see trends).

Date Presidential Approval Index Strongly Approve Strongly Disapprove Total Approve Total Disapprove
5/18/2010 -17 25% 42% 45% 53%
5/17/2010 -13 27% 40% 46% 53%
5/16/2010 -10 29% 39% 48% 52%
5/15/2010 -11 30% 41% 48% 52%
5/14/2010.......... -13 29% 42% 46% 53%
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MessageSujet: 2288 - SB 1070 (Immigration - Arizona)   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty18/5/2010, 21:43

Apres Holder, le Procureur General des Etats Unis (le meme qui avait dit que les Americains etaient des laches pour ne pas vouloir discuter ni resoudre les problemes de racisme dans le pays), c'est Janet Napolitano qui reconnait, elle aussi, avoir critique la loi sur l'immigration de l'Etat de l'arizona sans l'avoir lue. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_eek
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Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admits that she has not read controversial Arizona immigration law even though she's gone on television to criticize it.

The New York Times:

Even before she signed the bill at an afternoon news conference here, President Obama strongly criticized it.

Lui, "en tant que President des Etats Unis", l'a-t-il lue?

Si cela vous interesse: La Loi en question, SB 1070 (Senate Bill 1070)

Depuis les dirigieants de 10 autres etats preparent une loi similaire.
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MessageSujet: 2289 - Everybody vs. Obama   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty18/5/2010, 22:14

Everybody vs. Obama

Even Democrats are running against the Obama agenda.

President Obama is playing an unusual role in tomorrow's special election in Pennsylvania to replace the late Rep. Jack Murtha, king of Democratic pork barrelers. Both major party candidates are doing their best to distance themselves from Mr. Obama's policies.
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Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 08/11/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty18/5/2010, 22:39

    Its no matter to argue
    with such a determination to be negative Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 154697 ...

    You must feel quite alone here.

L Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_sunny
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 09:12

Bonne excuse, Laogorus, c'est en general ce que disent ceux qui n'ont pas d'arguments a opposer lors d'une discussion, mais.. je comprends.

Toutefois, si vous voulez vous y essayer tout-de-meme et peut-etre meme avec je l'espere autre chose que les generalites largement pro-Obama diffusees par les media et les sites de gauche voir les messages d'Ombre) ca serait avec plaisir. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_biggrin

Au sujet de la negativite, une fois de plus, celle qui a ete montree pendant les 8 annees de G.W. Bush au pouvoir n'a jamais semble vous gener et pourtant, elle etait largement basee sur des informations biaisees et des caricatures dont le seul but etait de ridiculiser l'homme a la Maison Blanche et de destabiliser la politique de defense du president, politique maintenant presqu'entierement suivie par le POTUS. C'est assez drole d'ailleurs.

Derniere chose, Laogorus, tous les participants ne sont pas "fluent"s en anglais et parmi ceux qui le sont, ce n'est pas parce que peu repondent a mes messages qu'ils ne les lisent pas; des lors, si je peux d'une maniere meme infime apporter un peu de realite dans le monde de reve peint par les journalistes francais (qui ne font d'ailleurs generalement que traduire les articles pro-obama de journaux ou de sites americains) et reduire ainsi ne serait-ce qu'un peu la propagande deversee sur l'Europe et regulierement postee ici par un autre participant, c'est deja tres bien.

Non, non, je ne m'ennuie pas, merci, ce n'est pas parce que la majorite sur LP ne partage pas mes idees que je devrais adopter les leurs pour me faire accepter. si?

Bonne continuation, Largorus. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_smile

PS: le dernier article cite a ete pris sur le Wall Street Journal, pas n'importe quoi, si?
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MessageSujet: 2291 - Angry Electorate Roars at Washington   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 09:42

Angry Electorate Roars at Washington, Hands Setbacks to Establishment Candidates

One by one, the incumbents or establishment-backed candidates in Tuesday's slate of high-stake contests fell or fell short.

La Tea Party a montre qu'il est quelque chose dans le panorama politique Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_cool Paul sera le candidat Republicain en Novembre.

... et Laogorus qui va encore ecrire que je suis negative! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_rolleyes
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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 12:17

Heu... je m'excuse si je dérange, mais j'ai l'habitude de lire régulièrement, à mes heures, les articles de "l'autre bord" que Sylvette nous transmet ; l'opinion de cette moitié d'Américains que notre presse oublie généralement m'intéresse, bien évidemmen, même si je n'ai pas la prétention de pouvoir donner la réplique aux grands éditorialistes US.

Par ailleurs je bénis OmbreBlanche, EddeCochran, Laogorus, Ungern et d'autres d'apporter la contradiction à Sylvette, sans eux il lui serait difficile de donner toute sa mesure qui donne tant de piment et de crédibilité à LP.

Voilà voilà... Laughing
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MessageSujet: 2292 - Activists seize control of politics   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 12:18

Activist seize control of politics


For any politician with the usual instincts for self-protection, the lessons of Tuesday’s primaries could not be more clear: This could happen to you.

Dernière édition par Sylvette le 19/5/2010, 12:43, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 12:27

Heureuse que ce fil vous interesse, Biloulou, vous et peut-etre quelques autres.

De la meme facon, si je ne participe pas a certains fils, ca ne m'empeche pas de prendre plaisir ou interet a ce qui m'est propose.
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MessageSujet: 2296 - Specter, dont la candidature etait soutenue par le POTUS, a perdu   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 12:49

Sylvette a écrit:
Comme les temps changent tout de meme... Evidemment, il faut reconnaitre que les 2 derniers candidats Democrates qu'il a soutenu en se rendant physiquement dans leur Etat (Virginia, New Jersey) ont perdu (et c'est sans compter, Chicago devant le Comite des Jeux Olympiques), mais bon... Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_rolleyes

Obama Offers Democrats His Support but Not His Presence in Key Primaries

By Major Garrett

Obama has backed Democrats in key primaries on Tuesday, but he hasn't campaigned for them down the stretch

Il a bien fait quand il a vu ca, le POTUS, son candidat a ete ejecte. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_biggrin

Quand on pense que Specter etait passe chez les Democrates pour etre certain d'etre re-elu!! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_lol
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MessageSujet: 2297 - EU Mulls Coordinated Action on Naked Short-Selling   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 14:16

EU Mulls Coordinated Action on Naked Short-Selling


BRUSSELS—The European Commission on Wednesday responded to Germany's unilateral ban on a market practice viewed by some as pure speculation with a call for coordinating such regulations throughout the European Union.
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MessageSujet: 2298 - Why President Obama is having so much trouble with the voters   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 14:44

Why President Obama is having so much trouble with the voters

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MessageSujet: 2299 - Veterans Divided in Connecticut   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 15:07

Toujours au sujet de Blumenthal qui a fait croire qu'il avait combattu a Vietnam.

Veterans Divided in Connecticut

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut Attorney General Richard

Blumenthal appeared Tuesday at a VFW hall here, surrounded by cheering veterans, as he admitted misstating his record of service in Vietnam.
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MessageSujet: 2300 - Obama Approval Index History   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 15:54


Obama Approval Index History

Date Presidential Approval Index Strongly Approve Strongly Disapprove Total Approve Total Disapprove
5/19/2010.......... -19 25% 44% 44% 55%
5/18/2010 -17 25% 42% 45% 53%
5/17/2010 -13 27% 40% 46% 53%
5/16/2010 -10 29% 39% 48% 52%
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MessageSujet: 2301 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 17:10

Une fois n'est pas coutume: Just received, I wonder why someone sent that to me.



This one is a little different:

Two Different Versions - Two Different Morals


ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

grasshopper thinks the ant
is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away..

Come winter, the
is warm and well fed.

grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.


Be responsible for yourself!



The ant
works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.

and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor
grasshopperis allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog
appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green...'

stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, "We shall overcome." Then Rev. Jeremiah Wright has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.

President Obama
condemns the antand blames President Bush, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight.

Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid
exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the
EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act
retroactive to the beginning of the summer.

ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper.

The story ends as we see the
grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant'sfood while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn’t maintain it.

has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.

grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders
who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and once peaceful, neighborhood.

The entire
Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it.


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MessageSujet: 2302 - The EU is as doomed as its currency   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty19/5/2010, 20:38

The EU is as doomed as its currency - Let's get out from under this collapsing monstrosity

By Gerald Warner Politics

Last updated: May 19th, 2010

The European experiment has failed and is only artificially being kept alive on a life-support system of taxpayer-funded bailouts. The euro is now a zombie currency: only the political will of the European nomenklatura keeps it nominally in existence. That is the exact reverse of the proper relationship between a currency and the state: the currency should be the expression of a healthy economy testifying to the legitimacy of the government it represents. Instead, a synthetic European super-state is showing its non-viability and moribundity through the implosion of its currency.
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MessageSujet: 2303 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty20/5/2010, 00:52

Apres que des envoyes du POTUS en Chine aient denigre la loi sur l'emigration de l'Arizona et se soient fait reprocher le manque de justice sociale aux Etats Unis... le POTUS en personne s'aligne avec un president etranger contre une loi passe par le Congres d'un des etats americain. Il n'a aucune honte.

Faut-il encore rappeler qu'en fait la loi en question ne fait que renforcer une loi federale deja existante, imposant seulement aux agences de police locales d'en appliquer les dispositions.

Obama, Calderon Blast Arizona Immigration Law During White House Visit

President Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon joined hands Wednesday in blasting Arizona's controversial immigration law, with Obama calling the legislation a "misdirected effort" after Calderon slammed it as discriminatory.
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MessageSujet: 2304 - Economic governance divides France and Germany   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty20/5/2010, 09:47

Economic governance divides France and Germany

(Reuters) - Germany's curb on speculative trading has cast doubt on Europe's ability to build the sort of economic governance that many believe is now essential for the euro's survival.
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MessageSujet: 2305 - Change boomerangs on President Obama   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty20/5/2010, 14:14

Change boomerangs on President Obama
By GLENN THRUSH | 5/20/10 4:50 AM EDT

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 100519_critz_ap_218
Tuesday's big winner, Mark Critz, ran against Obama's health care overhaul - AP

Change is Barack Obama’s political calling card and the fuel that propelled his never-waste-a-crisis agenda — but change is boomeranging big time on the president in a turbulent and unpredictable 2010.
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MessageSujet: 2306 - What is big, risky, and losing billions?   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty20/5/2010, 14:58

... et on pourrait ajouter: et qui est tres largement responsable de la crise financiere de laquelle nous avons un mal fou a nous sortir?

What is big, risky, and losing billions?

Mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac need to go away — but slowly
By Edward L. Glaeser

May 20, 2010

THIS WEEK, the Senate rejected a $400 billion cap on the taxpayer bailout of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and the Federal National Mortgage Association, better known as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The decision may ensure that the two firms’ collapse will be the most costly event of the economic downturn. Their old model — private companies with an implicit public guarantee — created behemoths that gambled trillions of dollars and lost billions in taxpayers’ money.

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MessageSujet: 2307 - Leave Euro to Its Fate   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty20/5/2010, 15:40

Leave Euro to Its Fate

By David Cottle

Germany was supposed to be the ultimate European team player. As both engine room and standard bearer for European integration, and sound money come to that, it was an archetype of the euro plan; surrendering very considerable national power for the good of all.
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MessageSujet: 2308 - Anti-Incumbent? Try Anti-Obama   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty20/5/2010, 17:20

Nous avons tous besoin d'espoir, ce n'est pas le POTUS qui me contradirait, alors et bien que novembre soit encore LOIN... tres LOIN...

Anti-Incumbent? Try Anti-Obama

Serious Democratic analysts concede it's their party that's facing trouble in the fall.

The hordes are not massing at the gates of Washington—not yet. They won't arrive until after the midterm congressional election in November. Most are likely to be Republicans, a good number of them old Washington hands. Yesterday's primary elections, including the impressive victories of Republican Rand Paul in Kentucky and Democrat Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania, didn't change that.
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MessageSujet: 2309 - The Fruits of Weakness   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty21/5/2010, 08:36

May 21, 2010

The Fruits of Weakness

By Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- It is perfectly obvious that Iran's latest uranium maneuver, brokered by Brazil and Turkey, is a ruse. Iran retains more than enough enriched uranium to make a bomb. And it continues enriching at an accelerated pace and to a greater purity (20 percent). Which is why the French foreign ministry immediately declared that the trumpeted temporary shipping of some Iranian uranium to Turkey will do nothing to halt Iran's nuclear program.

It will, however, make meaningful sanctions more difficult. America's proposed Security Council resolution is already laughably weak -- no blacklisting of Iran's central bank, no sanctions against Iran's oil and gas industry, no nonconsensual inspections on the high seas. Yet Turkey and Brazil -- both current members of the Security Council -- are so opposed to sanctions that they will not even discuss the resolution. And China will now have a new excuse to weaken it further.


Given Obama's policies and principles, Turkey and Brazil are acting rationally. Why not give cover to Ahmadinejad and his nuclear ambitions? As the U.S. retreats in the face of Iran, China, Russia and Venezuela, why not hedge your bets? There's nothing to fear from Obama, and everything to gain by ingratiating yourself with America's rising adversaries. After all, they actually believe in helping one's friends and punishing one's enemies.
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MessageSujet: 2310 - Gov. Brewer: "Mr. President, Secretary Napolitano - Do Your Job!"   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty21/5/2010, 09:03

Ca m'ennuie de tourner la page rapidement, mais bon, alors pour ceux que ca interesse, l'article hebdomadaire de Krauthammer est dans le message precedent. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_biggrin


Gov. Brewer: 'Mr. President, Secretary Napolitano - Do Your Job!'

Ariz. governor takes on immigration law controversy, boycotts and Mexican president's comments.
Gutsy Lady!

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MessageSujet: 2311 - The president of Mexico takes on Arizona's anti-illegal alien law   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Empty21/5/2010, 14:50

On peut ne pas l'aimer, on peut ne pas etre toujours d'accord, mais bon sang, 'reusement qu'on l'a! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_biggrin
O'Reilly - Video

Je me demande si Biden Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 Icon_clown et Nancy Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 13 896845 l'ont lue, eux, la loi!

Si c'est oui, ils sont de mauvaise foi, si c'est non, ils sont egalement de mauvaise foi, mais bon.. what else is new?
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