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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty6/7/2009, 08:44

Rappel du premier message :

Bonjour Biloulou Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 659552

Il me semblait que cette nouvelle plairait!
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MessageSujet: 1274 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty12/8/2009, 13:45

Ce matin les economistes nous annoncaient dans un article la fin de la recession. Maintenant, il serait question d'une SECONDE recession. ahahhh

U.S. may face second recession: Harvard's Rogoff
Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:43pm EDT

By Walden Siew
BOSTON (Reuters) - The United States faces a prolonged period of sluggish growth and perhaps another recession in the next five years, Harvard University economist Kenneth Rogoff said on Tuesday.

The U.S. recession that began in December 2007 is close to an end, and economic growth will hover near a sluggish 2 percent for the next five to seven years, he said.

"We're going to be Japan-light," he said in an interview, referring to Japan's years of sub-par growth after its financial crisis of the 1990s. "We won't have a lost decade, but we will face some of the same challenges."

Rogoff, a former International Monetary Fund chief economist and an expert on banking crises, said the United States faces a 50-50 chance of a second recession in the next five years.


Il doit etre Normand ce monsieur.
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Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: 1275 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty12/8/2009, 15:31


Date................................. Presidential Approval Index Strongly Approve Strongly Disapprove Total Approve Total Disapprove
08/12/2009 -5 31% 36% 48% 52%
08/11/2009 -7 30% 37% 49% 50%
08/10/2009 -9 30% 39% 49% 51%
08/09/2009 -8 31% 39% 50% 50%
08/08/2009 -5 33% 38% 50% 50%


01/22/2009 +30 44% 14% 64% 29%
01/21/2009 +28 44% 16% 65% 30%

So far in August, the President’s Approval Index rating has ranged from -4 to -9. That’s an improvement from the last week in July when his ratings ranged from -8 to -12.


Support for Congressional Health Care Reform Falls to New Low

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Public support for the health careNouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Mag-glass_10x10 reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats has fallen to a new low as just 42% of U.S. voters now favor the plan. That’s down five points from two weeks ago and down eight points from six weeks ago.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that opposition to the plan has increased to 53%, up nine points since late June.

More significantly, 44% of voters strongly oppose the health care reform effort versus 26% who strongly favor it. Intensity has been stronger among opponents of the plan since the debate began.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of those under 30 favor the plan while 56% of those over 65 are opposed. Among senior citizens, 46% are strongly opposed.

Predictably, 69% of Democrats favor the plan, while 79% of Republicans oppose it. Yet while 44% of Democratic voters strongly favor the reform effort, 70% of GOP voters are strongly opposed to it.

Most notable, however, is the opposition among voters not affiliated with either party. Sixty-two percent (62%) of unaffiliated voters oppose the health care plan, and 51% are strongly opposed. This marks an uptick in strong opposition among both Republicans and unaffiliateds, while the number of strongly supportive Democrats is unchanged.
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Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: 1276 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty12/8/2009, 16:35

NP pour nous prouver que son programme est super, il l'a compare mardi a la Poste et a UPS (Bonjour Marieden Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 659552 Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 707951 ) et Fedex. Si ce n'est pas la pire chose qu'il est pu faire, ca n'est pas loin, vu que des milliers de postes vont fermer et que la Poste est pres de la faillite complete. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 707951

Une discussion a cours chez Politico et a part 1 defenseur dans les 7 premiers repondeurs, meme un* des deux** qui sont pour le programme de NP regrettent l'analogie!! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 456111

Is a health care "public option" the first step toward a government-run, single payer-type system? Or as President Obama suggested Tuesday in his New Hampshire town hall, can a public option coexist with private insurance, similar to the U.S. Postal Service and carriers like FedEx and UPS?


Randy Barnett, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center:

I am not sure I understand the analogy. ...

PS: The US Post Office also suppressed abolitionist literature from reaching the slave states. When abolitionist Lysander Spooner started his own post office, the American Letter Mail Company, to compete with drastically lowered postal rates, it attracted lots of business, but the US government moved swiftly to suppress the company by prosecuting his carriers for violating the express mail statute. So perhaps the analogy does teach some lessons about a "public option" after all.


Rory Cooper, Dir., Strategic Communications, Heritage Foundation:

"The President says his public option will be great, but then says it won’t be too great. C’mon."
The President is 100% correct; he has developed the “post office” of health care plans. This must be why members of Congress refuse to go on it themselves. The Post Office is targeted to post a $7 billion loss this year alone.


Cesar Conda, Republican strategist, former Romney and Cheney advisor:

The reason why so many Americans are opposed to the public or government option is that they DON'T want the health care system be run like the Postal Service.



Charles W. Calomiris, Professor of Financial Institutions, Columbia:

The public option is indeed a major step toward a government-run, single-payer system, as the result of scale economies in health insurance. But no, the current proposal is not the "first step." The first, second, and third steps already happened long ago (Medicare being the most significant one). Government already runs a substantial chunk of health care, deciding via its control over the purse strings what procedures and which doctors many people go to. Some experts believe that the "tipping point" that would lead to major withdrawals by private insurers, and thus a near-total government control over the system, would occur at around a 60% government share, and we are already close to that point. The public option now being touted by President Obama likely would push us over the tipping point.



Bradley A. Blakeman, Republican strategist, consultant, entrepreneur:

The “public option,” no matter how it is created is a foot in the door to a single payer-type system that is ultimately the goal of Democrats. The U.S. Postal Service by the way is in the red in massive debt. Just look at what was reported just yesterday in the Journal Star:

Darrell M. West, Vice President, Governance Studies, Brookings:

Public options such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration have co-existed with private insurance for years. But if I were President Obama, I wouldn’t be using the U.S. Post Office to make the case for a public insurance option. With the deficits being run, threats of service cutbacks, and problems modernizing, the postal analogy is not going to make many Americans support a public health option.

NP avait du oublier de lire le teleprompteur.


Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, Law Professor at the Washington and Lee University:

"What has private insurance done for us that makes it such a national treasure...?"
A public insurance plan could certainly coexist with private insurance. Indeed, in other countries it does. Higher-income Germans can choose to be either publicly or privately insured. About half choose public insurance because for them it is less expensive, about half choose private insurance, which they believe provides better access to care. Australians as well can choose to be either publicly or privately insured for hospital care, and about 45% are privately insured. The largest "private" insurer, however, is a public plan, Medibank Private. For years it has controlled about a third of the market, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. It is generally believed, however, to keep the other private plans "honest" by keeping the market competitive.

So to if we had a vigorous public plan in the United States, some who were eligible for it (the CBO estimates about a third, or 10 to 12 million) would choose the public plan, the remainder would choose private insurance. Since, according to all proposals, the public plan would only be available within the exchanges and not to Americans working for large employers, the vast majority of Americans (164 million by 2019 according to the CBO) would continue to be privately insured through their jobs, as they are now.

C'est sans parler:

1) du cout: 1 trillion de dollars pour si peu de personnes ca n'en vaut plus la peine, si?

2) du depart des assures vers le systeme federal, causerait un vaccum financier qui devrait etre comble par les AUTRES assures => augmentation des primes (le double) => un depart lent mais soutenu du restant des assures vers l'assurance gouvernementale => la fin des assurances privees exceptes pour les familles tres riches

3) sans competition le gouvernement pourra augmenter les primes de la meme facon qu'il augmente les impots.

Il faut remarquer egalement le premier paragraphe. Ce monsieur pique un exemple dans un pays, un exemple dans un autre, il est plus qu'evident qu'il n'est pas tres au courant de l'ensemble des differents programmes, de plus il oublie comme le fait si souvent NP, que les Etats Unis ne sont ni le Canada, ni l'Allemagne, ni le Royaume Uni, ni l'Australie. Connait-il seulement le plan propose par les Democrates au Congres, qu'il soit oblige d'aller chercher ailleurs pour montrer comme ca marche bien alors que chaque pays semble avoir un programme different!

On peut facilement en douter surtout quand on sait que les senateurs se balladent avec des anti-seches dans leur poche preparees par Nancy, the W.W.W. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 896845 . Une simple logique met pourtant tellement de choses en evidence!

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MessageSujet: 1277 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty13/8/2009, 09:08

Le Royaume Uni, vexe par les commentaires negatifs de son systeme sante se rebiffe ( Embarassed ) et refute dans un email de trois pages les idées fausses sur le NHS publiees dans les media americains, ajoutant les "Ce n'est pas vrai." apres chacune d'elle. Excellent soutient pour NP.

U.K. Hits Back at U.S. Health Reform 'Untruths'

Pilloried by right-wing critics of President Obama's health care plan, Britain's National Health Service is fighting back, calling the claims 'ridiculous' and 'untrue.'
Thursday, August 13, 2009

LONDON -- Britain's health care service says it is sick of being lied about.

Pilloried by right-wing critics of President Barack Obama's health care plan, Britain's National Health Service, known here as the NHS, is fighting back.

"People have been saying some untruths in the States," a spokesman for Britain Department of Health said in a telephone interview. "There's been all these ridiculous claims made by the American health lobby about Obama's health care plan ... and they've used the NHS as an example. A lot of it has been untrue."

He spoke anonymously in line with department policy.
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Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: 1278 - WOW   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty13/8/2009, 15:45

Date...................Presidential Approval Index Strongly Approve Strongly Disapprove Total Approve Total Disapprove
08/13/2009 -8 29% 37% 47% 52%
08/12/2009 -5 31% 36% 48% 52%
08/11/2009 -7 30% 37% 49% 50%
08/10/2009 -9 30% 39% 49% 51%
08/09/2009 -8 31% 39% 50% 50%

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Obama_index_august_13_2009

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Obama_total_approval_august_13_2009
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 1674
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: Food for sex law   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty18/8/2009, 01:09

Afghanistan passes ‘food for sex’ law
on Boone, Kandahar

has quietly passed a law permitting Shia men to deny their wives food and sustenance if they refuse to obey their husbands’ sexual demands, despite international outrage over an earlier version of the legislation which President Hamid Karzai had promised to review.

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 ForeignThe new final draft of the legislation also grants guardianship of children exclusively to their fathers and grandfathers, and requires women to get permission from their husbands to work.

“It also effectively allows a rapist to avoid prosecution by paying ‘blood money’ to a girl who was injured when he raped her,” the US charity Human Rights Watchsaid.

In early April, Barack Obama and Gordon Brown joined an international chorus of condemnation when The Guardian revealed that
the earlier version of the law legalised rape within marriage, according to the UN.

Although Karzai appeared to back down, activists say the revised version of the law still contains repressive
measures and contradicts the Afghan constitution and international treaties signed by the country.

Islamic law experts and human rights activists say that although the language of the original law has been changed, many of the provisions that alarmed women’s rights groups remain, including this one: “Tamkeen is the readiness of the wife to submit to her husband’s reasonable sexual enjoyment, and her prohibition from going out of the house, except in extreme circumstances, without her husband’s permission. If any of the above provisions are not followed by the wife she is considered disobedient.”

The law has been backed by the hardline Shia cleric Ayatollah Mohseni, who is thought to have influence over the voting intentions of some of the country’s Shias, which make up around 20 per cent of the population.

Karzaihas assiduously courted such minority leaders in the run up to next Thursday’s election, which is likely to be a close run thing, according to a poll released on Friday.

On peut en effet se rejouir de ce qui se passe en Afghanistan et de se convaincre que tout est en bonne voie, du point de vue de la femme et de ses libertes sous un regime qui se rapproche de l'Islamise tel qu'il etait pratique avant la defaite des Talibans. Qui soit dit en passant s'ils ont perdu le gouvernement et la direction officielle du pays n'ont jamais cesse d'exercer un influence enorme sur le pays, avec ou sans les Iccidentaux et encore plus avec Karzai qui les accpetera tant qu'il tiendra a son fauteuil.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 54566
Localisation : Jardins suspendus sur la Woluwe - Belgique
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty18/8/2009, 13:49

Oui, voilà, nous avions déjà pris connaissance de la version francophone de cette nouvelle.

Vous ne pensez pas qu'il s'agit d'une loi de "courtoisie" envers précisément ce groupe d'électeurs de religieux durs et purs, comme l'article le suggère et que, une fois les élections passées, devra être abrogée car contraire aux engagements internationaux ?

Bon, de là à dire que le régime actuel se rapproche de celui des talibans.... oui, un centimètre sur un kilomètre, tout au plus... mais n'oublions pas qu'ils sont en période électorale, donc les promesses volent bas.

On verra plus clair dans quelques jours, n'est-ce pas ?
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty18/8/2009, 15:19

Biloulou a écrit:
Oui, voilà, nous avions déjà pris connaissance de la version francophone de cette nouvelle.

ne pensez pas qu'il s'agit d'une loi de "courtoisie" envers précisément
ce groupe d'électeurs de religieux durs et purs, comme l'article le
suggère et que, une fois les élections passées, devra être abrogée car
contraire aux engagements internationaux ?

Bon, de là à dire que
le régime actuel se rapproche de celui des talibans.... oui, un
centimètre sur un kilomètre, tout au plus... mais n'oublions pas qu'ils
sont en période électorale, donc les promesses volent bas.

On verra plus clair dans quelques jours, n'est-ce pas ?

Je ne pense pas que ce soit ni une loi de courtoisie ni une loi
temporaire tout comme certaines faveurs legales accordees aux
Islamistes surtout concernant les femmes et qui ne sont pas en cours
d'abrogation, loin de la meme.
Mis a part les problemes de corruption dans lesquels il est trempe jusqu'au cou, Karzai flirte avec le diable,
c'est le prix a payer pour rester au pouvoir. Je doute qu'il ait le
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Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty21/8/2009, 01:11

Boston Globe
Ridge accuses Bush White House of political use of terror alert system

August 20, 2009 04:21 PM

In his new book, the first Homeland Security chief, Tom Ridge, accuses top aides to President George W. Bush of pressing him to raise the terror alert level to influence the 2004 presidential election. Ridge, a former Republican governor of Pennsylvania, says that he refused the entreaty just before the election from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Attorney General John Ashcroft, according to a summary of the book from publisher Thomas Dunne Books.

"After that episode, I knew I had to follow through with my plans to leave the federal government for the private sector," Ridge, who
resigned soon after the election where Bush defeated Democrat John F. Kerry, writes in "The Test of Our Times: America Under Siege ... And
How We Can Be Safe Again."

Ridge's book will only fuel Bush critics, who have long said that his White House used terror threats to distract the public from the unpopular Iraq war. The Bush team has long denied that was the case.

"In this probing and surefooted memoir, Ridge takes us through the challenges he and his new department faced, including Anthrax scares
and reports (both real and false alarms) of new Al-Qaeda operations sprouting up in the United States," says the publisher's summary of the book, scheduled to be out on Sept. 1.

"Ridge writes with refreshing candor on both the successes and missteps of the DHS. He details the obstacles faced in his new post -- often within the administration itself -- as well as the failures of Congress to provide for critical homeland security needs, and the irresponsible use of terrorism by both parties to curry favors with voters," the summary continues.

It says that Ridge also reveals in the book how the department was "pressured to connect homeland security to the international “war on
terror;” and how he had "pushed for a plan (defeated because of turf wars) to integrate DHS and FEMA disaster management in New Orleans and
other areas before Hurricane Katrina."

Asked about the allegation about the election, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs noted today that current Homeland Security Janet Napolitano launched a study whether to scrap the color-coded system, which critics say is ineffective and confusing.

"Decisions regarding the terror threat should be made based on the rise and fall of that threat, not based on anything else," Gibbs told reporters.

C'est la confirmation de la manipulation constante qui avait cours. Des alertes dont personne ne savait le pourquoi ni le comment et qui restaient forcement sans explications et que pour finir personne ne prenait a serieux. D'ailleurs elles se sont pratiquement arretes apres l'election de 2004 bounce
Bon il ya le bouquin de Cheney pour bientot egalement et il n'a pas des mots tres tendres pour son ancien boss, ce qui a priori me le rendrait plutot sympathique sympathique (le Boss, pas Cheney)..
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty21/8/2009, 08:23

Shansaa a écrit:

Je ne pense pas que ce soit ni une loi de courtoisie ni une loi
temporaire tout comme certaines faveurs legales accordees aux
Islamistes surtout concernant les femmes et qui ne sont pas en cours
d'abrogation, loin de la meme.
Mis a part les problemes de corruption dans lesquels il est trempe jusqu'au cou, Karzai flirte avec le diable,
c'est le prix a payer pour rester au pouvoir. Je doute qu'il ait le

Bonjour Shansaa ! sunny

J'ai mis "courtoisie" entre guillemets pour tenter de suggérer un rapprochement avec "courtiser", "courtisane".

Pour le reste... vous décrivez bien les dessous de la diplomatie, des compromis, des "un pas en avant, deux pas en arrière" en attendant mieux...

Vraiment, la politique me donne des boutons. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 226376
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty22/8/2009, 10:04

Bonjour Biloulou, flower

Citation :

J'ai mis "courtoisie" entre guillemets pour tenter de suggérer un rapprochement avec "courtiser", "courtisane".
Pour le reste... vous décrivez bien les dessous de la diplomatie, des
compromis, des "un pas en avant, deux pas en arrière" en attendant

Vraiment, la politique me donne des boutons. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 226376

Ben oui, j'ai constitue une bonne reserve de Caladryl justement, mais c'est fou ce qu'elle diminue vite..... Shocked
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Localisation : Jardins suspendus sur la Woluwe - Belgique
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2008

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty22/8/2009, 11:56

Vous aviez donc remarqué mes incursions nocturnes et vous ne m'avez pas dénoncé ?
Ô merci ma généreuse bienfaitrice ! Laughing
(Bonjour Shansaa, tout va bien ? sunny )
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty22/8/2009, 15:42

Biloulou a écrit:
Vous aviez donc remarqué mes incursions nocturnes et vous ne m'avez pas dénoncé ?
Ô merci ma généreuse bienfaitrice ! Laughing
(Bonjour Shansaa, tout va bien ? sunny )

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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MessageSujet: 1287 - Ah... ces erreurs de jeunesse qui refont surface au mauvais moment! (Van Jones)   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty4/9/2009, 19:08

"Green Jobs" Adviser's Past Could Stir Trouble for White House at Critical Time

White House green jobs adviser Van Jones' past associations and remarks are stirring controversy at a time when the Obama administration is trying to keep controversy at a minimum.

Friday, September 04, 2009

President Obama's "green jobs" adviser is distancing himself from the "9/11 truthers" -- Americans who say the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks may have been an inside job -- releasing a statement late Thursday that says he didn't read carefully a petition he signed in 2004 calling for an investigation into the Bush administration's knowledge of an impending attack.

In the statement, Van Jones also apologized again for several inflammatory remarks he made prior to joining the Obama administration. It was his second apology in two days.

"In recent days some in the news media have reported on past statements I made before I joined the administration -- some of which were made years ago. If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize. As for the petition [9/11 statement] that was circulated today, I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever."

Whether he agrees with the views expressed, Jones was a signatory on a 2004 statement calling on then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and others to launch an investigation into evidence that suggests "people within the current administration may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war."

The statement asked a series of critical questions hinting at Bush administration involvement in the attacks and called for "deeper inquiry." It was also signed by former Rep. Cynthia McKinney and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans.

An aide to Jones told FOX News on Thursday night that the green jobs czar "did not carefully review the language in the petition." The aide did not say when Jones signed the petition or when he became aware of the controversy.


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MessageSujet: 1288 - La colonne hebdomadaire de Charles Krauthammer: Qu'est-il arrive a President Obama? Ses ailes de cire ont fondu...   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty4/9/2009, 19:29

Obama, the mortal
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, September 4, 2009

What happened to President Obama? His wax wings having melted, he is the man who fell to earth.

What happened to bring his popularity down further than that of any new president in polling history save Gerald Ford (post-Nixon pardon)?

The conventional wisdom is that Obama made a tactical mistake by farming out his agenda to Congress and allowing himself to be pulled left by the doctrinaire liberals of the Democratic congressional leadership. But the idea of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi pulling Obama left is quite ridiculous. Where do you think he came from, this friend of Chávista ex-terrorist William Ayers, of PLO apologist Rashid Khalidi, of racialist inciter Jeremiah Wright?

But forget the character witnesses. Just look at Obama's behavior as president, beginning with his first address to Congress. Unbidden, unforced and unpushed by the congressional leadership, Obama gave his most deeply felt vision of America, delivering the boldest social democratic manifesto ever issued by a U.S. president. In American politics, you can't get more left than that speech and still be on the playing field.

In a center-right country, that was problem enough. Obama then compounded it by vastly misreading his mandate. He assumed it was personal. This, after winning by a mere seven points in a year of true economic catastrophe, of an extraordinarily unpopular Republican incumbent, and of a politically weak and unsteady opponent. Nonetheless, Obama imagined that, as Fouad Ajami so brilliantly observed, he had won the kind of banana-republic plebiscite that grants caudillo-like authority to remake everything in one's own image.



L'article de Fouad Ajami cite plus haut

Obama's Summer of Discontent

The politics of charisma is so Third World. Americans were never going to buy into it for long.

So we are to have a French health-care system without a French tradition of political protest. It is odd that American liberalism, in a veritable state of insurrection during the Bush presidency, now seeks political quiescence. These "townhallers" who have come forth to challenge ObamaCare have been labeled "evil-mongers" (Harry Reid), "un-American" (Nancy Pelosi), agitators and rowdies and worse.

A political class, and a media elite, that glamorized the protest against the Iraq war, that branded the Bush presidency as a reign of usurpation, now wishes to be done with the tumult of political debate. President Barack Obama himself, the community organizer par excellence, is full of lament that the "loudest voices" are running away with the national debate. Liberalism in righteous opposition, liberalism in power: The rules have changed.

It was true to script, and to necessity, that Mr. Obama would try to push through his sweeping program—the change in the health-care system, a huge budget deficit, the stimulus package, the takeover of the automotive industry—in record time. He and his handlers must have feared that the spell would soon be broken, that the coalition that carried Mr. Obama to power was destined to come apart, that a country anxious and frightened in the fall of 2008 could recover its poise and self-confidence. Historically, this republic, unlike the Old World and the command economies of the Third World, had trusted the society rather than the state. In a perilous moment, that balance had shifted, and Mr. Obama was the beneficiary of that shift.

So our new president wanted a fundamental overhaul of the health-care system—17% of our GDP—without a serious debate, and without "loud voices." It is akin to government by emergency decrees. How dare those townhallers (the voters) heckle Arlen Specter! Americans eager to rein in this runaway populism were now guilty of lèse-majesté by talking back to the political class.

We were led to this summer of discontent by the very nature of the coalition that brought Mr. Obama, and the political class around him, to power, and by the circumstances of his victory. The man was elected amid economic distress. Faith in the country's institutions, perhaps in the free-enterprise system itself, had given way. Mr. Obama had ridden that distress. His politics of charisma was reminiscent of the Third World. A leader steps forth, better yet someone with no discernible trail, someone hard to pin down to a specific political program, and the crowd could read into him what it wished, what it needed.

The leader would be different things to different people. The Obama coalition was the coming together of disparate groups: the white professional liberals seeking absolution for the country in the election of an African-American man, the opponents of the Iraq war who grew more strident as the project in Iraq was taking root, the African-American community that had been invested in the Clintons and then came around out of an understandable pride in one of its own.

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Getty Images

The last segment of the electorate to flock to the Obama banners were the blue-collar workers who delivered him Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. He was not their man. They fully knew that he didn't share their culture. They were, by his portrait, clinging to their guns and religion, but the promise of economic help, and of protectionism, carried the day with them.

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MessageSujet: 1289 - Van Jones demissionne   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty6/9/2009, 12:39

Obama "Green Jobs" adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy

Van Jones, an administration official specializing in environmentally friendly "green jobs," has been linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the Sept. 11 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans.


Sunday, September 06, 2009

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's adviser Van Jones has resigned amid controversy over past inflammatory statements, the White House said early Sunday.

Jones, an administration official specializing in environmentally friendly "green jobs" with the White House Council on Environmental Quality was linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the 2001 terror attacks and to derogatory comments about Republicans.

The resignation comes as Obama is working to regain his footing in the contentious health care debate.

Jones issued an apology on Thursday for his past statements. When asked the next day whether Obama still had confidence in him, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said only that Jones "continues to work in the administration."


Very Happy
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MessageSujet: 1290 - Manifestations a Caracas   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty6/9/2009, 16:48

SEPTEMBER 6, 2009, 4:43 A.M. ET

Tens of Thousands Protest Chávez in Venezuela
Associated Press

CARACAS, Venezuela -- Tens of thousands marched through Venezuela's capital on Saturday to protest what they call growing authoritarianism by President Hugo Chávez.

A few thousand of the president's backers held a separate counter-rally to express support for the government's policies.

Anti-Chávez protesters, many of them wearing white, filled the streets of Caracas, denouncing recent arrests of opposition members for alleged violence during protests and a new education law that critics fear could lead to indoctrination in schools.
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Associated Press

An opponent to Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez helds up a copy of the National Constitution during a protest in Caracas Saturday.

"It's very concerning because education is Venezuela's future," said 23-year-old engineering student Carlos Delgado, who also complained of soaring inflation and rampant crime after more than a decade under Chávez.

"We have 11 years with the same faces, the same problems, and the truth is that we don't see any solutions," Delgado said.

Carlos Garcia, a 41-year-old administrative worker who attended the pro-government march, said Venezuela's poorer sectors have achieved greater equality under Mr. Chávez. He dismissed the opposition's claims about the education law, saying it aims to make the system more inclusive, and defended the recent jailing of opposition demonstrators.

"If a person is provoking violence, they should be punished," Garcia said.
Copyright ©️ 2009 Associated Press
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MessageSujet: 1291 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty6/9/2009, 18:08

SEPTEMBER 3, 2009, 8:54 A.M.
Obama and the Perfect Political Storm

It's hard to sell change voters don't think they need.

August was the worst month of Barack Obama's presidency. And he seems to know it—he is now planning to deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress 232 days into his administration in a desperate attempt to save his biggest domestic priority, overhauling health care.

He has already had the budget-busting $787 billion stimulus package, a budget that doubles the national debt in five years, an earmark-laden appropriations bill that boosted domestic spending nearly 8%, and a cap-and-trade energy tax that limped through the House with dozens of Democratic defections (and which has stalled in the Senate). These achievements are unpopular, so they are boomeranging on him.

Mr. Obama's problems are legion. To start with, the president is focusing on health care when the economy and jobs are nearly everyone's top issue. Voters increasingly believe Mr. Obama took his eye off the ball.

In addition, Mr. Obama is trying to overhaul health care without being able to tap into widespread public unhappiness. Nearly nine out of 10 Americans say they have coverage—and large majorities of them are happy with it. Of the 46 million uninsured, 9.7 million are not U.S. citizens; 17.6 million have annual incomes of more than $50,000; and 14 million already qualify for Medicaid or other programs. That leaves less than five million people truly uncovered out of a population of 307 million. Americans don't believe this problem—serious but correctable—justifies the radical shift Mr. Obama offers.

Associated Press
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Moreover, he's tried to sell it with promises Americans aren't buying. He says ObamaCare will save money, but Americans believe it comes with a huge price tag because the Congressional Budget Office has said it will.

Workers are also rightly concerned they won't be able to keep their current coverage. Many businesses will drop their health plans and instead pay a fine equal to 8% of their payroll costs, which is less than what they pay for employee coverage.

Families believe they will be pushed into a government plan as the "public option" drives private insurers out of the market.

Health-care providers fear they'll be forced to follow one-size-fits-all guidelines drafted by bureaucrats, instead of making judgments for specific patients.

And seniors are afraid of Mr. Obama's plan to cut $500 billion from Medicare over the next decade, including $177 billion for Medicare Advantage. It's simply not possible to cut that much from Medicare without also cutting services seniors need.

Each of these concerns is energizing opposition among many previously uninvolved voters and political independents. Members of Congress, especially those in closely contested districts, saw this firsthand when they returned home in August.

The administration's problems have been compounded by tactical mistakes. Allowing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to push for a Democrat-only bill shatters any claim Mr. Obama can make to bipartisanship, a core theme of his candidacy. Leaving the legislation's drafting to Congress has tied the president's fortunes to Mrs. Pelosi, who has a 25% approval rating nationwide, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, whose approval rating is 37% in Nevada.

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MessageSujet: 1292 - L'impartialite de l'elite mediatique - ou son manque   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty7/9/2009, 10:44

BREITBART: Couric should look in mirror
By Andrew Breitbart


Now that White House "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones has resigned, what's next?

Inevitably, the American mainstream media - ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, et al - must be held to account for sitting on the sidelines as this major story kept building without them, went viral on YouTube, and then became so large that a key appointee of President Obama was forced to step down.

But with their decision to ignore the Jones story, they may have actually done Mr. Obama far more harm than good: Who vetted this guy? How did he get past the FBI? What did he say, and how did he answer the infamous seven-page questionnaire that all Obama appointees were required to fill out? Inquiring Freedom of Information Act minds want to know.

For most people in this country, the resignation was the first they had heard of Van Jones. For this sin of journalistic omission, there's institutional media blame. Bias is too tame a word for the utter shamelessness on display: Only Republican scandals - real and imagined - matter.

And it's not just those the Democratic-Media Complex dub as "mobs" or "tea baggers" that are taking notice. Diminishing audience and evaporating subscribership reflect widespread consumer dissatisfaction. Eventually, the money will run out.

But until then, the growing alternative media of Internet and talk radio and a burgeoning mass of justifiably angry Americans will make every effort to expose the sham that is mainstream journalism.

Obviously, it's not that the Jones story wasn't newsworthy. His racist rants, his radical background and his membership in a 9/11 "truther" group made for heavy-rotation YouTube viewing that would have immediately destroyed other mere mortals if the shoe were on the right - or white - foot.
Compounding the problem, the Jones narrative hurts Mr. Obama because it underlines how the mainstream media helped elect the president by glorifying him instead of vetting him.

Just as Mr. Obama was not even cursorily investigated, Van Jones, a fellow "community organizer," was not given the slightest media attention when named as an unaccountable "czar" selected to oversee billions in taxpayer money for the ambiguous purpose of "green energy." And that despite having a body of damning evidence that could be found with a single Google search by an ADHD-addled high-school journalism student.

Instead, talk-radio host Glenn Beck and Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit, as well as editors Scott Baker and Liz Stephans, led the charge forcing the mainstream media's hand while the usually reliable George Soros-funded "netroots" media defense mechanism couldn't fend off the growing body of charges.

Calling Mr. Jones' critics "racist" was their best play, and that gruel gets thinner with every passing scandal cycle. In this case, the Jones "Swift Boat" already had left the harbor.


One of the stories is that ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a massive radical organization, is poised to receive billions from the Obama "stimulus."

ACORN's voting division is currently under investigation in multiple states for fraud. And its housing division exists to fulfill an unclear mandate that has been accused of using funds to pay for political protests. If the alternative media digs further and finds out ACORN is guilty as charged, and as corrupt as its ample critics say it is, the onus is those who didn't question when the Obama team decided to allocate billions to expand the group's reach.
"Recently there was a conference call arranged by the National Endowment for the Arts, with a representative of the White House, for potential grantees or actual grantees of the federal government, getting subsidies - the theme of it was how the arts community could advance the president's agenda. Now I don't know how many laws that breaks, but I am sure there are some."
All eyes are on the media. We are judging them by the standard they taught us during Watergate: "The cover-up is worse than the crime."
Breath in - Breath out!
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MessageSujet: 1293 - Toujours au sujet de Van Jones...   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty7/9/2009, 12:23

Bon, ce message sera bien ici! enfin, j'espere.

Donc comme je le disais et en reprenant l'expresion de Biloulou Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 659552 : vert a l'exterieur et rouge dedans (sans oublier les pepins)...

Ce qui me surprend c'est que certains soient surpris que ce monsieur, avec un tel pedigre, ait ete un des plus importants conseillers de Barack Obama. Evidemment, on nous a repete avant et apres les elections que le candidat a la presidentielle, puis le president n'etait et n'avait jamais ete socialiste. Je veux bien tout ce qu'on veut, si ca peut faire plaisir... Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 456111

On nous en a dit des choses, par exemple que Barack Obama n'avait jamais ete present lorsque son pasteur de vingt ans, se lancait dans des harangues lourds de racisme et bourres d'anti-americanisme. Il semble que ce conseiller, tres proche de notre president, ait les memes opinions. Mais il ne les a, sans doute aucun, jamais proferees devant son president, sans quoi, il n'aurait jamais eu la position au gouvernement qu'il a obtenue.


Un article en francais sur les consequences du petit scandale que les media americains bien-pensants n'ont pas juge digne de reporter.

Un conseiller d'Obama contraint à la démission

De notre correspondante à Washington, Laure Mandeville
07/09/2009 | Mise à jour : 10:12

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Van Jones est accusé par ses détracteurs d'être un proche des Truthers, des «chasseurs de vérité» d'extrême gauche qui manifestent régulièrement pour accuser l'ancienne Administration Bush d'avoir organisé les attaques du 11 septembre 2001. Crédits photo : AP

Van Jones, membre du Conseil présidentiel sur la qualité de l'environnement, avait signé en 2004 une pétition réclamant une enquête sur le rôle de l'Administration Bush dans les attentats terroristes du 11 septembre 2001.
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À MOINS d'une semaine du huitième «anniversaire» des attentats du 11 Septembre, Van Jones, un conseiller d'Obama pour la politique environnementale, a dû démissionner précipitamment, dimanche, pour ne pas ajouter aux casse-têtes déjà nombreux que doit affronter le président en cette rentrée politique délicate. La télévision d'opposition conservatrice Fox News venait en effet de révéler que ce «tsar des emplois verts» avait fait partie, dans le passé, d'un groupe négationniste marxisant, qui accuse l'ancienne Administration Bush d'avoir organisé les attaques contre les tours du World Trade Center en 2001.

La télévision d'opposition conservatrice Fox News Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 707951

Ah si les journalistes ne cirent pas les pompes (oh pardon Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 303142 ) de ses messieurs du gouvernement en place a la Maison Blanche, vous faites partie de l'opposition... Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 931638 Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 294974

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MessageSujet: 1294 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty8/9/2009, 10:23

Three Guilty in U.K. Jet Bomb Plot

British Muslims Are Convicted of Conspiracy in Case That Resulted in Ban on Liquids Aboard Flights
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Associated Press

Abdulla Ahmed Ali, left; Assad Sarwar, center, and Tanvir Hussain were convicted Monday of conspiring to kill thousands of civilians by blowing up trans-Atlantic flights.

LONDON -- An English court found three British Muslim men guilty on Monday of a plot to bomb trans-Atlantic airliners, in a conspiracy that changed the face of air travel.

Eight men were accused of planning to bring down planes by assembling explosive devices on board using detonators, batteries and explosives carried in soft-drink bottles.

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Associated Press

An undated Metropolitan Police picture of Abdulla Ahmed Ali.

The breakup of the plot in August 2006 caused travel chaos, the cancellation of thousands of flights and an immediate ban on liquids being carried aboard airliners.

At a previous trial in 2008, three of the defendants -- Abdulla Ahmed Ali, 28 years old; Assad Sarwar, 29; and Tanvir Hussain, 28 -- were found guilty of conspiracy to murder. That jury, however, couldn't make up its mind about whether they had conspired to target the aircraft.
After a six-month retrial on whether they plotted to bomb aircraft, a new jury voted 11 to 1 for convictions for the three.

Monday's verdict established legally for the first time the existence of the 2006 conspiracy to blow up passenger aircraft.
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty9/9/2009, 10:18

A peek at Al Gore's fortune

NEW YORK - Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore left the White House with less than $2 million US in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now, he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

By The Vancouver Province March 12, 2008

NEW YORK - Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore left the White House with less than $2 million US in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now, he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships.

Gore invested the money with Capricorn Investment Group LLC, a Palo Alto, Calif., firm that selects the private funds for clients and invests in makers of environmentally friendly products, according to a Feb. 1 securities filing.

Capricorn was founded by billionaire Jeffrey Skoll, former president of eBay Inc. and an executive producer of Gore's Oscar-winning documentary film on global warming.

Since losing the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, Gore, 59, is best known for focusing attention on climate change through his book and movie, An Inconvenient Truth, which helped him win a Nobel Peace Prize. Gore's newfound wealth resulted, in part, from speaking engagements and ties to Silicon Valley firms with soaring stock market values, such as Google Inc. and Apple Inc.
"Gore got a lot of support from Silicon Valley when he ran for president because they knew the Internet was one of his primary concerns," said Tony Coelho, a former congressman and investment banker who served as chairman of Gore's 2000 campaign.

"It's very legit that these people would pursue him" after he left office, Coelho said, adding that Gore received Google and Apple stock options before their shares "went into the stratosphere."
Kalee Kreider, a spokeswoman for Gore and his wife, Tipper, declined to comment on the hedge-fund investment or how Gore has made his money.

"He is a private citizen, and as a private citizen he has never commented on his private finances," said Kreider, who works out of Nashville, Tenn.

Gore donated his proceeds from the global-warming book and movie to his Alliance for Climate Protection, Kreider added.

John Jonson, chief operating officer at Capricorn, also had no comment.

Gore's investment, disclosed in a private-placement filing at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, was made through Carthage LP. The partnership, formed last December, has the same name as the ex-vice-president's home town in Tennessee.

Skoll, 43, founded Capricorn after deciding in late 2001 that he wanted to diversify his wealth, at the time comprised primarily of eBay stock. The firm began taking on a few outside clients last year, according to SEC filings.

In the last personal finance report he filed as vice-president, Gore disclosed on May 22, 2000, that the value of his assets totalled between $780,000 and $1.9 million. In addition, Gore listed an interest in his father's estate that included Occidental Petroleum Corp. stock worth as much as $1 million.

He and Tipper Gore released tax returns for 1998 showing they earned $224,376 that year, less than half the income of then-president Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, news reports at the time said.

Now Gore charges a $175,000 speaking fee and has a net worth "well in excess" of $100 million, including pre-public-offering Google stock options, according to an article in last year. Kreider said the speaking fees vary and Gore doesn't disclose them.

Gore has served as a senior adviser to Mountain View, Calif.-based Google since February 2001, shortly after leaving public office. Google spokesman Jon Murchinson said in an e-mail: "We have not provided comment on if or how we compensate Mr. Gore in his role as an adviser to Google."

The former vice-president also served as vice-chairman of Metropolitan West Financial Inc., a money manager run in part by former Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. executives, starting in 2001.

He co-founded Current Media Inc., a cable-television and Internet company, in 2002 and is listed as its executive chairman in a January SEC filing for the company's initial public offering. It said he earned $1 million in salary and bonus last year and owned 3.7 million shares of company stock.

Gore joined Apple's board in 2003 and co-founded London-based Generation Investment Management in 2004. Last November, he became a partner with Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a Silicon Valley venture-capital firm.

Capricorn, in managing Skoll's fortune -- estimated at $4.2 billion by Forbes magazine last March -- primarily allocates money to different private partnerships, including hedge funds and energy and real-estate funds.

One of Capricorn's clients, the Skoll Foundation, had almost $264 million, or 78 per cent of its assets, invested in more than 75 partnerships as of June 30, 2006, according to its most recently available tax filing with the Internal Revenue Service.

The funds included Eric Mindich's Eton Park Capital Management LP, Ralph Whitworth's Relational Investors LLC, and Arthur Samberg's Pequot Capital Management Inc.

"They don't put all their eggs in one basket," said Homi Vazifdar, a managing director at the Canyon Group, of Larkspur, Calif., who is familiar with Capricorn's investment style.

Stephen George, Capricorn's chief investment officer, previously worked as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. specializing in helping technology clients develop expertise in e-commerce. New York-based Goldman underwrote San Jose, Calif.-based eBay's initial public offering.
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty9/9/2009, 11:16

Pour tous et pour OmbreBlanche en particulier!

Speech to Students Puts Politics Aside

President Barack Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (right) hold a discussion with 9th graders at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Va.
President Barack Obama urged students to buckle down and excel in a speech most notable for the absence of controversy after critics had warned it would be used to mobilize young people to the Democrats' agenda.


(OmbreBlanche, l'opinion que vous vous etes formee sur le monde vu par Obama, est base sur le contenu du discours entendu par sur celui du discours prevu. Je suis tout-a-fait d'accord avec le speech, c'est d'ailleurs en grande partie celui que j'ai tenu a nos trois enfants quand ILS etaient a l'ecole.

Ceci dit: La droite a eu tort de critiquer le discours avant de l'avoir entendu (meme si des fuites avaient eu lieu AVANT pour voir la reaction justement.

Le resultat une fois de plus le GOP est blame: La preuve: Obama School Speech A Tempest In A Teacup 1:45 In the end, Barack Obama's back-to-school speech was much GOP ado about nothing, says WSJ's Jonathan Weisman. The president emphasized that kids should stay in school and didn't impart any policy wisdom on the nation's youth.)

Il aurait ete bien plus intelligent de laisser faire, d'ecouter et, apres, de commenter ou de critiquer si necessaire. mais bon...
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MessageSujet: 1297 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty10/9/2009, 03:53

GROVER NORQUIST: We Don't Need Another Post Office

Americans wanted Obama to change Washington. Obama wants to use Washington to change America

Last fall Barack Obama campaigned promising change. Many Americans wanted change. They wanted to change Washington. But Obama meant something very different. He wanted to use Washington to change America. Having the government take over hospitals, doctors, health insurance and life and death decisions is not what most Americans thought they were voting for.

President Obama began his presidency with very high approval ratings. But as Americans watched him take over the banks with bailouts, and take over the car companies with bailouts and spend almost a trillion dollars for a “stimulus” spending package of expensive earmarks and sign a budget with another trillion in new spending—with some nine trillion dollars now to be added to the national debt—the idea of having government take over health care began to look less and less wise.

When Obama said “reform” he clearly meant “take over.” Reform the auto companies. Reform the banking system. Obama would use our tax dollars so he could buy and control whole industries.

When Americans began questioning what Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing they found themselves insulted by the politicians who didn’t like the rabble asking pesky questions. Barack Obama doesn’t like his inferiors asking questions like—will the Democrat Congressmen who vote for a “public option” on health care actually live with that public option—or is the public option just for little people?

President Obama was brutally honest when he said the government run “public option” would be like the Post Office. We have, Obama pointed out, a government run post office and privately run UPS and FedEx. Therefore you have choice. Sort of. The federal government taxes UPS and FedEx. The government-run post office does not pay federal or state corporate income taxes or local property taxes. FedEx and UPS do. And it is against the law for you to try and send a first class letter through anyone other than the post office. Well if the government option can tax its competitors and can pass laws to create a monopoly—how is this real choice?

Obama also has a problem because many Americans have friends or relatives with some experience with government run health care in Canada or Britain where the government rations care by making citizens wait to see a doctor, take a test or use a CAT scan or MRI. In Britain, one waits an average of 70 days for cataract surgery, 68 days for bypass surgery, 99 days for hernia repair (ouch), 113 days for tonsillectomy. Median wait times in Canada from general practitioner to seeing a specialist is 9.4 weeks for gynecology. It is on average another 7 weeks between seeing the specialist and getting treatment.

Would the U.S. government ration health care if they ran the health care system? Well, president Obama has already given us the answer. The post office, his model for a public health care system, is losing money (Interesting question how a monopoly loses money). What is the post office response to losing money? Becoming more efficient? No. They will ration post office care by closing on Saturdays. Years ago they rationed by ending twice daily delivery of the mail. Now when you get sick, the government may be closed on Saturdays. Rationing. No fun if you are sick.

Obama promised that health care reform would reduce your insurance costs. And give insurance coverage to 49 million folks with no insurance. Sounded good. Sounded painless. If you were happy with your insurance nothing would change. But now we learn that the government needs one, two or maybe three trillion dollars to give us this new lower-costing health care. If it costs less, what are all the trillions of higher taxes going towards? And now that we read the fine print, we find that there are
four general tax hikes in the House of Representatives health care bill. Not just taxes on the rich but on those making less than $250,000 a year, a blatant violation of Obama’s central campaign promise not to raise “any form” of taxes on these families. And new regulations will prevent [url= 04.pdf]30 million American families with flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts from purchasing over the counter medicines. And Medicare will be raided by taking away choices for seniors. You and I are going to pay through the nose for this experiment.

All this pain for what?

For the past eight years Democrats have been voting against and filibustering two important reforms that would help all Americans. First, allowing you to buy your health insurance from any of the 50 states. Right now you are stuck buying insurance from businesses in your state, often with expensive mandates pushed on you by the state legislators and lobbyists for special interests This reform alone, known as the Shadegg bill, would drop the cost of health care an average of 15%. Not bad. Democrats have spent years opposing this fix.

Second, we need to reform tort law—stop the trial lawyer billionaires from suing your doctor and hospital to push up the costs of your health care. Obama, Reid and Pelosi owe the trial lawyer billionaires a great deal. They cannot say no to them. So no reform there. Some suggest that such reforms would save billions in legal fees but also tens of billions in lower costs of so called “defensive” medicine forced by the trial lawyers.

And lastly, Republicans are putting forward legislation that would require all hospitals to post their actual prices for operations on the Internet so we can shop around—like we do with everything else in life. That would generate real price competition that does not exist in today’s highly regulated health care.

Health care is too expensive in America. That is because it is taxed, regulated and sued too much. We need less government in between us and our doctors. Fewer parasitical trial lawyers and more competition free from government created monopolies.

One government run post office is already too many.

Grover Norquist is president of
Americans for Tax Reform and author of the book "Leave us Alone – Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives."
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty11/9/2009, 14:51

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The Van Jones Matter By Charles Krauthammer

Friday, September 11, 2009

Van Jones, the defenestrated White House green-jobs czar, once called Republicans "assholes." Big deal. I've said worse about Democrats. I've said worse about Republicans. I've said worse about members of my family (you know who you are).

How prissy have we become? Are we allowed no salt in our linguistic diets?

Having once written a
column praising Vice President Cheney's pithy deployment of the F-word -- on the floor of the Senate, no less -- I rise in defense of Jones. True, Jones's particular choice of epithet had none of the one-syllable concision, the onomatopoeic suggestiveness, the explosive charm of Cheney's. But you don't fire a guy for style.

Another charge was that Jones was a self-proclaimed communist. I can't get too excited about this either. In today's America, to be a communist is a pose, not a conviction. After the Soviet collapse, Marxism is a relic, a pathetic anachronism reduced to its last redoubts: North Korea, Cuba and the English departments of the more expensive American universities.

In any case, every administration is allowed a couple of wing nuts among its 8,000 appointees. As long as they're not in charge of foreign policy or the Fed, who cares?

Other critics are scandalized that Jones once accused "white environmentalists" of "essentially steering poison into the people of colored communities."

In fact, from a global perspective, Jones is right. Environmentalists -- overwhelmingly white and middle/upper class -- have blocked drilling offshore and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. From where do you think the world gets the missing oil? From the poor, exploited, poisoned people of the Niger Delta, the Amazon Basin and other infinitely less-regulated and infinitely dirtier regions of the Third World.

Affluent enviros are all for wind farms, until one is proposed that might mar the serenity of a sail from the crew-necked precincts near Nantucket Sound. Then it's clean energy for thee, not for me.

Jones's genius as an ideological entrepreneur was to mine white liberal anxiety -- they are quite aware of their own NIMBY hypocrisy -- by selling them the "green jobs" shtick to reconcile class/racial guilt with environmental enthusiasm, thus making them feel better about themselves.

That's why Jones rose so far. That's why he was such a "progressive" star. That's why, as top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett put it, "we've been watching him" and were so eager to recruit him to the White House.

In the White House no more. Why? He's gone for one reason and one reason only. You can't sign a petition demanding not one but four investigations of the charge that the Bush administration deliberately allowed Sept. 11, 2001 -- i.e., collaborated in the worst massacre ever perpetrated on American soil -- and be permitted in polite society, let alone have a high-level job in the White House.

Unlike the other stuff (see above), this is no trivial matter. It's beyond radicalism, beyond partisanship. It takes us into the realm of political psychosis, a malignant paranoia that, unlike the Marxist posturing, is not amusing. It's dangerous. In America, movements and parties are required to police their extremes. Bill Buckley did that with Birchers. Liberals need to do that with "truthers."

You can no more have a truther in the White House than you can have a Holocaust denier -- a person who creates a hallucinatory alternative reality in the service of a fathomless malice.

But reality doesn't daunt Jones's defenders. One Obama administration source told ABC that Jones hadn't read the 2004 petition carefully enough, an excuse echoed by Howard Dean.

Carefully enough? It demanded the investigation of charges "that people within the current [Bush] administration may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war."

Where is the confusing fine print? Where is the syntactical complexity? Where is the perplexing ambiguity? An eighth-grader could tell you exactly what it means. A Yale Law School graduate could not?

No need to worry about Jones, however. Great career move. He's gone from marginal loon to liberal martyr. His speaking fees have just doubled. It's only a matter of time before he gets his own show on MSNBC.

But on the eighth anniversary of 9/11 -- a day when there were no truthers among us, just Americans struck dumb by the savagery of what had been perpetrated on their innocent fellow citizens -- a decent respect for the memory of that day requires that truthers, who derangedly desecrate it, be asked politely to leave. By everyone.
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MessageSujet: 1299 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 12 Empty12/9/2009, 16:44

Tea Party Express Arrives for 'March on Washington' to Protest Government Spending

FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, has organized several groups from across the country for the Saturday event, dubbed a "March on Washington."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Tea Party Express -- a gathering of activists protesting what they view as out-of-control spending by an expanding federal government -- is arriving in the nation's capital Saturday.

Demonstrators have filled Freedom Plaza and Pennsylvania Avenue in downtown Washington. They are waving U.S. flags and holding signs reading "Go Green Recycle Congress," "I'm Not Your ATM" and "Obamacare makes me sick."

Some men are dressed in colonial costumes with tri-colored hats.
Protesters plan to march later to the U.S. Capitol.

FreedomWorks Foundation, a conservative organization led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, has organized several groups from across the country for the Saturday event, dubbed a "March on Washington."

The demonstration is part of the so-called Tea Party Movement that gathered steam in April to protest tax policies. And Saturday's event is the culmination of a 34-city, 7,000-mile bus tour that began Aug. 28 in Sacramento, Calif. The "partiers" have cited a host of grievances and demands, such as a call for any health care reform to create more competition and be guided by market principles, not a government-run plan.

Organizers say they anticipate tens of thousands of proponents of limited government to attend. They say it will be the largest group of fiscal conservatives to ever gather in Washington.

The rally comes on the heels of heated town halls held during the congressional August recess when some Democratic lawmakers were confronted, disrupted and shouted down by angry protestors who oppose President Obama's plan to overhaul the health care system.

"I can't figure out to save me what [Mr. Obama and the Democrats] are trying to accomplish, unless they want socialism," 73-year-old Joseph Wright, a retired paper-mill worker, told The Wall Street Journal.

Wright rode from Tallahassee, Fla., to Washington this week on one of the many chartered buses bringing in demonstrators from states as far-flung as Massachusetts and Arkansas.
The White House on Friday claimed it was unaware of the planned rally.

"I don't know who the group is," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters with a shrug.
But a House leadership aide has warned fellow Democrats that up to 2 million demonstrators could turn out.

"It looks like Saturday's event is going to be a huge gathering, estimates ranging from hundreds of thousands to 2 million people," Doug Thornell, an aide to Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., wrote in a memo obtained by

But conservatives believe the memo is ploy to inflate expectations for the turnout anticipating that it will fall short.

"It's an old political tactic to get out in front and make wild projections and when they're not met, claim their opponents don't have the juice," said Pete Sepp, a spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union, one of the organizers of the rally.
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