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MessageSujet: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty8/11/2008, 13:47

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MessageSujet: 2561 -    Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty12/7/2010, 08:53

Ombre se refusait a croire les resultats de sondage qui montraient une forte chance de degringolade pour le parti du POTUS en novembre prochain, et sans vouloir jouer a Perette...

'No Doubt' Republicans Can Retake House in Fall, Gibbs Says

Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Gibbsatwh_20100712_000621

In remarks that could be intended to light a fire under dispirited Democrats, the White House press secretary warns the party could lose its majority in the House in November elections where Republicans need to gain about 40 seats to take control.
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MessageSujet: 2562 - Roman Polanski's Freedom -- And Unmitigated Gall   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty13/7/2010, 13:22

Roman Polanski's Freedom -- And Unmitigated Gall

By Eugene Robinson

WASHINGTON -- For Roman Polanski, the long, unspeakable nightmare of being confined to his three-story chalet in Gstaad, the luxury resort in the Swiss Alps, is finally over. The fugitive director is free once again to stroll into town, have a nice meal, maybe do a little shopping at the local Cartier, Hermes or Louis Vuitton boutiques.
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MessageSujet: 2563 -    Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty13/7/2010, 13:39

Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds

By Ed Barnes

Published July 12, 2010

The six-month election recount that turned former "Saturday Night Live" comedian Al Franken into a U.S. senator may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally in Minnesota's Twin Cities.
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MessageSujet: 2564 - The Big Green Lie Exposed   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty13/7/2010, 13:53

Voila qui est encourageant.

The Big Green Lie Exposed

As the reports from Dutch and British watchdog panels came in last week, greens hailed what they see as a vindication of the East Anglia Climate Research Unit and the partial rehabilitation of the IPCC, but they are wrong. As usual, the greens (and many of their critics) are missing the point.
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MessageSujet: 2565 - NAACP Poised to Vote on Resolution Calling Tea Party 'Racist'   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty13/7/2010, 23:28

... et poiurquoi pas!

NAACP Poised to Vote on Resolution Calling Tea Party 'Racist'

Published July 13, 2010

The NAACP is poised to vote Tuesday on a resolution to condemn the Tea Party movement as racist, despite claims from Tea Partiers that the measure is just a political ploy.
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MessageSujet: 2566 - EXCLUSIVE: State Department Mulls Terror Designation for Gaza 'Aid' Ship Funder   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty15/7/2010, 00:09

Aaahhhaaa! en "cause"-t-on dans les media francophones?

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Mulls Terror Designation for Gaza 'Aid' Ship Funder

By Ben Evansky
Published July 14, 2010

The State Department is investigating whether to designate the Turkish Muslim charity that funded and operated a Gaza-bound "aid" ship as a foreign terrorist organization, after nine people were killed aboard one of its ships in a bloody confrontation with Israeli commandos, Fox News has learned.
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty15/7/2010, 06:58

Sylvette a écrit:
Aaahhhaaa! en "cause"-t-on dans les media francophones?
Bonjour Sylvette ! sunny

Pensez-vous ! Laughing

Par contre on annonce en titre que l'enquête menée par Israël conclue à des fautes et manquements dans la préparation de l'interception par les autorités militaires.
Ce qu'on oublie de dire, ou alors à la fin du corps du texte, c'est les conclusions du rapport : le commando d'interception aurait dû être plus nombreux et mieux armé pour neutraliser plus rapidement les "pacifistes" à bord, connaissant leur nombre et intentions.
Il n'y aura pas de sanctions.

L'inénarrable Charles Enderlin ajoute, déçu mais rassurant : "...mais il y aura d'autres enquêtes, indépendantes, celles-là"
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MessageSujet: 2568 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty15/7/2010, 07:01

Bonjour Biloulou!

Le fait qu'il n'y ait pas de sanction en dit long... on comprend le silence et la deception de certains!
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MessageSujet: 2769 - Fox News Poll: Obama Job Approval Down, Few Think Stimulus Helped   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty15/7/2010, 21:33

Hey, Lawrence, le visionnaire... Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_cheers Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_cheers Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_cheers

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Fox News Poll: Obama Job Approval Down, Few Think Stimulus Helped

By Dana Blanton
Published July 15, 2010

Most Americans see little benefit from the federal government's economic stimulus plan, as President Obama's job performance rating drops overall, and hits a new low among Democrats.
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MessageSujet: 2570 -    Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty16/7/2010, 11:51

Obama's next act

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, July 16, 2010

In the political marketplace, there's now a run on Obama shares. The left is disappointed with the president. Independents are abandoning him in droves. And the right is already dancing on his political grave, salivating about November when, his own press secretary admitted Sunday, Democrats might lose the House
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MessageSujet: 2571 - Financial Reform, R.I.P.   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty16/7/2010, 12:45

Si j'ai toujours pense que Barack Hussein Obama et ceux qui le soutiennent n'ont absolument pas l'interet des Etats Unis a coeur, les faits depuis 1 an et demi ne peuvent que confirmer cette triste conviction.

Leur but (celui du POTUS, de sa femme, de son "pasteur/ami/mentor, de ses conseillers, de l'extreme-gauche qui le soutient - aucun d'eux ne l'a vraiment jamais cache, si la pluspart des Americains qui n'a pas forcement le temps de suivre la politique de tres pres, l'a manque): la mise en place d'une ideologie mondiale de gauche, celle-ci devant passer par la chute des Etats Unis de sa place de leader. La meilleure facon: s'assurer qu'elle ne se remettra jamais de ses dettes on continuant a depenser.

Il ne faut pas oublier les excuses continues d'Obama pour la facon dont les Etats Unis se sont comportes dans l'histoire, la these de Michele Obama dans laquelle elle expliquait a quelle point elle detestait se retrouver entouree de Blancs (alors que toutes ses etudes avaient ete payees largement par ceux-ci), les sermons de haine envers l'Amerique de Jeremiah Wright, l'extremisme de gauche de tous ceux qui entourent le POTUS, etc...)

Les democraties occidentales ont du souci a se faire.

The Main Street Journal
Financial Reform, R.I.P.
James S. Henry and Laurence Kotlikoff
07.15.10, 01:20 PM EDT

The Dodd-Frank bill does nothing to deal with Wall Street's central problem: systemic non-disclosure.
So long Glass-Steagall. Hello Dodd-Frank--the most comprehensive rewrite of financial rules since 1933. This 2,319-page colossus--10 times the length of Glass-Steagall--took 1.5 years to produce and will cost $30 billion and many more years to implement. Will all this time and treasure make Wall Street safe for Main Street?
Dodd-Frank is a full-employment act for regulators that addresses everything but the root causes of the financial collapse. It serves up a dog's breakfast covering proprietary trading, consumer financial protection, derivatives trading, executive pay, credit card fees, whistle-blowers, minority inclusion and Congolese minerals. Dodd-Frank also mandates 68 new studies of carbon markets, Chinese drywalls, and person-to-person lending, and many other irrelevancies.
Root Causes
None of this deals with the central problem--Wall Street's ability to hide behind claims of proprietary information to facilitate the production and sale of trillions of dollars in securities whose true values are almost impossible for outsiders to determine.

This policy of "systematic non-disclosure"--the absence of complete transparency about what financial firms really owe and are owed--left only its CEOs and their top consiglieres in a position to know what their companies really owned and owed. Consequently, the valuation of Wall Street firms came down to trusting the bank's senior executives--those who often had the greatest stakes in the non-disclosure system. As news of all this widespread Wall Street chicanery spread, investors eventually realized that the "grownups"--rating companies, boards of directors, regulators, and politicians--had been well-paid to look the other way. So public trust took a holiday. Wall Street's house of cards collapsed, taking Main Street down in the process. Nothing will change on Wall Steet without implementing a version of the Glass-Steagall Act in addition to requiring transparency on balance sheets and the SEC demanding the regulation of derivatives
All this malfeasance was no organized conspiracy, but a self-organizing, automatically expanding gravy train. Its participants included many of the world's largest and most prestigious banks, insurance companies, [url= funds]hedge funds[/url], credit raters, law firms and [url= firms]accounting firms[/url].
What share of financial institutions' assets and liabilities were fundamentally toxic may never be known. But that is beside the point. With no way to independently verify, in real time, the precise nature of financial firms' assets and liabilities, they are all vulnerable to panics by investors, counterparties, and depositors, based on rumors and speculation as well as fact.
The resulting serial collapse of Wall Street behemoths, in turn, led Uncle Sam to step in and issue his own brand of increasingly hard-to-value securities--some $24 trillion (according to Neal Barofsky, Congress' TARP watchdog) in contingent guarantees to all manner of financial companies.
This is a colossal liability, more than twice U.S. gross domestic product. If another massive [url= run]bank run[/url] hit Wall Street--say, next week--Uncle Sam would be forced to print trillions to cover these guarantees. The prospect of getting paid back in watered-down dollars might then lead people to run even faster to the banks, to get their money and buy something tangible before prices skyrocket. Ultimately, Uncle Sam's guarantees are only worth what they are written on--paper.
So Uncle Sam didn't lead us out of the woods; he led us deeper into the woods. While he (temporarily) saved Wall Street, he may have gravely endangered Main Street.
Meanwhile, many major players on Wall Street have been laughing all the way from their banks. One top banker after another has been able to leave office with their generous golden parachutes, starter castles and yachts intact.
In contrast, during the 1930s, Citibank's CEO and the head of the [url= York Stock Exchange]New York Stock Exchange[/url] did serious jail time for financial peccadilloes; in the late 1980s, the S&L crisis led to more than 1,000 felony convictions. This time around, aside from blatant thieves like Bernie Madoff and "Sir" Alan Stanford, we've been more forgiving. Of course Dodd-Frank does instruct the [url= Sentencing Commission]U.S. Sentencing Commission[/url] to re-examine its guidelines for financial fraudsters, but sentencing presumes conviction.
Yet the real criminal that needs to stand trial is this: our phony system of systematic non-disclosure about what financial firms are really worth. Far from streamlining regulations, mandating greater transparency, and reducing uncertainty, Dodd-Frank provides government bureaucrats with unrestricted hunting licenses. Only one of the roughly 115 federal and state agencies currently involved in financial regulation has been consolidated. At the same time, the new law creates 12 new regulatory bodies and gives them vast amounts of rule-making discretion. In the next two years these and other financial regulators will hold an estimated 243 new rule-making procedures.
The new law still provides no single regulator for deposit-taking institutions. The SEC and the CFTC continue to share authority over derivatives. A toothless National Insurance Office will "gather information" from 50 state regulators; the Fed's new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection will have to tip toe around the SEC, the FTC, and the Federal housing agencies; a new SEC Credit Rating Agency Board will try to rate credit raters; the Fed also gets unfettered discretion to delay implementation of the Volcker Rule until 2023, and .... you don't want to know.
Dodd-Frank is not just a prescription for regulatory sclerosis. It is a bonanza for Wall Street lobbyists and lawyers, who will help determine what this law's 283,985 words actually mean.
In 1990-2009 Wall Street and its friends in the insurance and real estate industries spent an average of $2,973 (in 2010 dollars) per congressman and senator per day on campaign contributions and lobbying. All this spending kept full financial disclosure off the table and helped today's top 10 financial giants to dominate the industry.
Paths Not Taken
In 1982 seven people died in Chicago from consuming Tylenol tainted with cyanide by some criminal who is yet to be caught. Overnight, Johnson & Johnson (
JNJ - news - people ) found no market for its global 30 million bottles of Tylenol. Talk about a toxic asset!
J&J recalled all 30 million bottles, threw them away, and replaced them with safety-sealed bottles. In so doing, it disclosed the contents to be Tylenol not cyanide. Its toxic asset problem was solved for good.
Dodd-Frank's approach is different. This law is akin to J&J restocking the shelves with the same unsealed bottles, hiring thousands of people to randomly inspect drug store aisles in the hope of catching the miscreant, and contracting with funeral companies to quickly pick up the dead. Indeed, a major part of Dodd-Frank focuses on arranging speedier funerals for failing financial institutions rather than preventing such funerals in the first place. Dodd-Frank also relies heavily on the failed "good bank"-"bad bank" model of regulation. In this model, "bad banks" that take extra risks will be allowed to fail, while "good banks" are protected.
Earth to Congress! We tried this in September 2008. "Bad bank" Lehman was allowed to fail, which blew up in Uncle Sam's face. Citigroup ( C - news - people ), a "good" bank, would have failed but for a bailout; Goldman Sachs ( GS - news - people ), a "bad bank," might have failed had Uncle Sam not intervened indirectly. AIG ( AIG - news - people ) wasn't even a bank. But it was bad, and it was saved. When push comes to shove, this regulatory ring-fence never works.
The Right Financial Fix
Were we really serious about fixing our financial system, there's a very simple alternative--Limited Purpose Banking. LPB would transform all financial intermediaries with limited liability into mutual fund companies. Under LPB a single regulatory agency--the "Federal Financial Authority"--would organize the independent rating, verification, custody and full disclosure of all securities held by the mutual funds.

Voilà, by dint of competition and transparency, "liar loans," off-balance sheet gimmickry, and toxic assets would all disappear. LPB would let the financial sector do only what Main Street needs it to do--connect lenders to borrowers and savers to investors.
The financial sector's job is not to take taxpayers to the casino and collect the winnings. This kind of "cowboy capitalism" is far too dangerous to maintain. But Dodd-Frank does precisely this, albeit with many more regulatory cops on the beat.
In contrast, LPB would put an end to Wall Street's gambling with taxpayer chips. Since mutual funds are, in effect, small banks with 100% [url= requirements]capital requirements[/url] in all circumstances, they can never fail. Neither can their holding companies. Under LPB, financial crises and the massive damage they inflict on the entire (global) economy would become a thing of the past.
Of course, there would be losers. Some Wall Street executives might have to find employment in [url= Vegas]Las Vegas[/url] or offshore banks. Some lobbyists, lawyers, credit analysts and accountants might need to find higher callings. Some politicians might even have to solicit more support from Main Street.
Alas, Dodd-Frank bears no resemblance to Limited Purpose Banking. But bad laws don't always last, and this one may eventually lead us to LPB by showing us precisely what not to do--if we ever get another chance.

James S. Henry is an economist, lawyer, and investigative journalist and former chief economist for McKinsey & Co. He is the author of Banqueros y Lavadolares (1996),The Blood Bankers (2005), and Pirate Bankers (forthcoming). Laurence J. Kotlikoff is a professor of economics at [url= University]Boston University[/url] and author of Jimmy Stewart Is Dead--Ending the World's Financial Plague with Limited Purpose Banking.
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MessageSujet: 2572 -   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty16/7/2010, 13:24

J'oubliais d'ajouter un facteur important pendant la premiere annee, critiquer le POTUS etait etre raciste, peu ont ose braver ce risque.

Maintenant enfin, et meme si de temps a autres certains de ses supporters utilisent encore cette arme, les faits sont la, alors difficile de refuser de les reconnaitre. Mais quand meme, on continue a nous dire que si les resultats de sondage montrent un desaccord des Americains pour la politique du POTUS, ils continuent de "bien l'aimer" en tant que personne. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_biggrin En opposition a la haine acharnee contre Bush, je suppose. Mais bon, la, homme blanc chretien conservateur/Republicains... "on" avait toutes les excuses. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_lol
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MessageSujet: 2573 -    Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty16/7/2010, 13:54

Ah ben tiens justement, en parlant de ces affreux racistes Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_rolleyes :
Liberal Press Says Panther Story Trumped Up

Video - O'Reilly
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MessageSujet: 2574 - Rep. Maxine Waters of California probably broke ethics rules, House panel finds   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty3/8/2010, 13:13

Toujours dans la categorie:

Un bol d'air frais Democrate Obamien Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_biggrin

Apres Charlie Rangel, grand ami de Nancy Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 896845 (qui doit choisir entre partir sur la pointe des pieds ou faire face a un proces public peu ragoutant), Maxine Waters prend la releve... Oh Maxine, Maxine, comment peuvent-ils etre arrives a une telle conclusion! Ca ne peut etre que la fote de Republicins racistes.

Rep. Maxine Waters of California probably broke ethics rules, House panel finds
By Paul Kane and Ben Pershing

Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

An ethics report released Monday found that Rep. Maxine Waters probably broke conflict-of-interest rules in urging federal aid for a bank where her husband had served on the board and owned hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock
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MessageSujet: 2575 - Morning Bell: It’s About The Spending, Speaker   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty3/8/2010, 13:33

L'arrogance de la gauche, les lois passees "sous" le POTUS et Nancy Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 896845 pour le bien des Americains. Ils n'ont seulement pas encore bien compris.

Morning Bell: It's about the Spending, Speaker

Posted August 2nd, 2010 at 9:30am in Entitlements

Yesterday on ABC's This Week, host Christiane Amanpour asked Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): "You are, by all accounts, one of the most -- if not the most -- powerful and successful speakers of -- in the history of the United States. You've passed so much legislation. The President was elected with a significant majority. You had control of both houses of Congress. And yet now, people are talking about you might lose your majority in the House. The gap seems to be growing wider between what's achieved and what's making an impact with the people. How did this happen? did you get to this place where, perhaps, you might lose your majority?" Pelosi responded: "We don't see it that way. We are very proud of the agenda that we have put forth to the American people."

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MessageSujet: 2576 - Annals of executive overreach   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty6/8/2010, 13:00

Comme j'ai deja eu l'occasion de l'ecrire a plusieurs occasions... Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 456111 Il fera tout pour etre reelu en 2012! et alors gare... si on pense que les mains mises
sur le secteur prive du son premier mandat etaient graves, il se fera un plaisir de finir de mettre les Etats Unis a genoux.

Annals of executive overreach

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, August 6, 2010

Last week, a draft memo surfaced from the Department of Homeland Security suggesting ways to administratively circumvent existing law to allow several categories of illegal immigrants to avoid deportation and, indeed, for some to be granted permanent residency. Most disturbing was the stated rationale. This was being proposed "in the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform." In other words, because Congress refuses to do what these bureaucrats would like to see done, they will legislate it themselves.
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MessageSujet: 2577 - Will the GOP Storm the Statehouses?    Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty6/8/2010, 14:21

Will the GOP Storm the Statehouses?

Expect to see a lot of Republican governors elected in November.

It must have been gloomy for Democrats when the nation's governors met last month in Boston for their annual summer get-together. The reason: If congressional races look bad for Democrats, the 37 gubernatorial contests are even worse.
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MessageSujet: 2578 - Show Me ObamaCare   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty6/8/2010, 14:26

La democratie revue et corrigee par les democrates obamiens.

Show Me ObamaCare

Despite a voter rebuke, how an obscure mandate will reshape health care.

The political revolt against ObamaCare came to Missouri Tuesday, with voters casting ballots three to one against the plan in its first direct referendum. This is another resounding health-care rebuke to the White House and Democrats, not that overwhelming public opposition to this expansion of government power ever deterred them before.
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MessageSujet: 2579 -    Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty20/8/2010, 15:45

Moral myopia at Ground Zero

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, August 20, 2010

It's hard to be an Obama sycophant these days. Your hero delivers a Ramadan speechroundly supporting the building of a mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero in New York. Your heart swells and you're moved to declare this President Obama's finest hour, his act of greatest courage.
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MessageSujet: 2580 - Dems retreat on health care cost pitch   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty20/8/2010, 22:43

C'est sur qu'avec les augmentations des primes d'assurance sur les quatre annees a venir (deja environ 25% cette annee) , les Americains vont tout-a-coup se mettre a adorer son engeance...

Meme si on arrive a faire abroger cette inepsie, il y a peu de chances pour que les primes redescendent comme ca, c'est tout bon pour les assurances! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_rolleyes

Dems retreat on health care cost pitch
By BEN SMITH | 8/19/10 4:55 PM EDT Updated: 8/20/10 3:31 PM EDT

Key White House allies are dramatically shifting their attempts to defend health care legislation, abandoning claims that it will reduce costs and the deficit and instead stressing a promise to "improve it." Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_eek
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MessageSujet: 2581 - Rev. Franklin Graham: President Obama 'born a Muslim'   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty20/8/2010, 22:54

Rev. Franklin Graham: President Obama 'born a Muslim'
By ANDY BARR | 8/20/10 11:13 AM EDT

The Rev. Franklin Graham on Friday said that President Barack Obama was “born a Muslim” because the religion’s “seed” is passed from the father.

Alors que le POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama est un apostat, la pire des choses aux yeux d'un Musulman, il est considere par les Musulmans comme un coreligonnaire? On peut se demander pourquoi.
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MessageSujet: 2582 - Barney Frank Comes Home to the Facts   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty24/8/2010, 10:27

TOUT DE MEME!!! (Il a a ce jour toujours defendu ses actions et refuse sa responsabilite principale dans la GGrise financiere/economique actuelle qui a mis le POTUS a la Maison Blanche!!!!) Sacre Barney! Mais les elections de novembre plus que toute autre chose ne seraient-elles pas responsables de cette epiphanie? Si elle est reelle et sincere, dommage qu'elle arrive si tard! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_mad
Barney Frank Comes Home to the Facts

A Commentary By Lawrence Kudlow
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MessageSujet: 2583 -    Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty24/8/2010, 22:44

'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam: America Killed More Innocents Than Al Qaeda

Published August 24, 2010



The controversial imam at the center of the debate over the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero says his goal is to create coalitions across the religious divide, but during a 2005 conference in Australia, he said America may be worse than Al Qaeda.
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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty25/8/2010, 02:14

Avec cette quonnerie de mosquée qui n'en est même pas une, Park 51 Community Center, c'est le général Patreus qui doit se demander comment il va faire pour convaincre les Afghans que les Américains ne sont pas en guerre contre l'Islam!

Même BaBush n'était pas aussi quon que la droite américaine actuelle.

Dire que ce centre est commandité par le principal partenaire financier de Murdoch dans Faux News, Murdoch c'est l'Aussie qui a décidé de conquérir les ÉU avec ses hordes de crypto-fascistes du Tea-Party, le chic prince Saoudien Alwaleed bin Talal, un copain de BaBush au fait...

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Quant à l'Imam controversé, Feisal Abdul Rauf, il est tellement d'obédience incertaine qu'il est un ancien copain du POTUS précédent de seconde classe et de mauvais souvenir, l'AWOL BaBush, que le FBI a utilisé ses services à maintes reprises. Pour ceux qui savent, au lieu de croire à n'importe quelle sottise, l'Imam Raouf n'est ni de tendance Chiite ou Sunnite mais d'obédience Soufi. Un Soufi terroriste, c'est aussi aussi crédible qu'un franciscain tueur en série!

Finalement, si Obama est maintenant musulman au yeux de 20% d'imbéciles américains, c'est qu'il y a en Amérique une base raciste, xénophobe, inculte, amorale et sans esprit critique au service des monstre qui ont Thatcher ou Reagan comme prophètes de leur religion. Des gens au service de la théologie de la prospérité, qui veulent le bien de tous les américains... tout leurs biens. Genre les frères Koch ? Des libertariens dont la fortune s'est crée grâce à l'appui de Staline.

Pour ceux qui comprennent la langue de Shakespeare, je leur suggère quelques heures d'horreurs philosophiques:

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MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty25/8/2010, 05:12

Aaaah, decidement, c'est bien le debut d'un retour en force... Il faut s'ennuyer dur sur son propre forum pour revenir ici apres en etre parti de la facon digne que l'on sait...

Les methodes de propagande adoptees pourront etre comparees a celles de Ungern. Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Icon_biggrin
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MessageSujet: 2586 - CIA sees increased threat from al-Qaeda in Yemen   Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Empty25/8/2010, 05:49

On aurait pu croire qu'avec le CHANGEment, la nouvelle administration non-vomitive en opposition a la precedente "vomitive" elle, n'aurait plus manipule l'opinion en leur brandissant les pires augures (est) aussi vieux que le monde eh ben apparemment, non! Nouvelles en Langue Anglaise - Page 24 Affraid Mais bon... elle se refuse a utiliser le terme de terrorisme, elle!!! C'est deja ca.

CIA sees increased threat from al-Qaeda in Yemen

By Greg Miller

Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, August 24, 2010; 11:00 PM

For the first time since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, CIA analysts see one of al-Qaeda's offshoots - rather than the core group now based in Pakistan - as the most urgent threat to U.S. security, officials said.

Dernière édition par Sylvette le 25/8/2010, 06:53, édité 1 fois
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